What's on your nightstand?

Since nightstands are in the news, what do you keep on your nightstand? Maybe you don’t even have a nightstand. Do you have a nightstand?
I’m tired of typing nightstand.


Anybody have a framed photo of a dear loved one? Maybe some books?

I have a lamp and a tissue box and some hand lotion. Oh and a coaster for my drink.

My glasses.

Lamp, device charging station, and three books in various stages of completion.

Watch, two charging cords, an LED flashlight, a coaster, the remote control for my bed, and a small ashtray that holds little bits and bobs. Oh, yes, and a lamp.

A lamp, a charging cord, and a long flathead screwdriver I use to scratch a difficult-to-reach parts of my back in the middle of the night.

Wait… why are nightstands in the news?

A lamp, a clock radio, at least one book, reading glasses, a back-scratcher, a coaster, a couple of napkins/paper towels/sheets of toilet paper for nose-blowing, a cell phone charging cord, and theoretically my cell phone.

The reading glasses are only used on the rare occasions that I’m in bed and am still wearing my contact lenses, otherwise I can read fine with the naked eye.

The cell phone is only theoretically there because most often I forget and leave it on the kitchen counter, or in the console of my truck, or in the waterproof pouch in my kayak. And usually I also forget to turn it off so that the next time I want to use it the battery has died. :slight_smile:

Two framed pictures, charging cord, white noise machine, and a little sign my daughter gave me that reads “I work hard so my dog can have a better life.”

Books, chargers, ebook reader, earbuds, lamp, clock radio, Kindle, phone, handkerchief, bottle of water. The electronics are kept out of toddler-reach except for bedtime.

Touch lamp
Coaster with a glass of water on it
Digital alarm clock
Digital thermometer (I like to see how cold my room is!)
Pretty container that I keep hand lotion, foot cream, and lip balm in

I also have a organizer that I’ve attached to the side of the nightstand. That’s where my phone goes while it’s charging overnight and where I put my Kindle to charge during the day.

On my nightstand is an Alexa controlled lamp, a watch and phone charger, an organizer with dog treats, my wallet, and some loose change on it, my Kindle, an Echo Dot, two TV remotes, an overhead fan remote, a mini flashlight, and my Ruger pistol… so don’t get any ideas.

Alarm clock, bottle of water, glasses case

lamp, phone charger, and latest book I’m reading.

I find it hard to keep anything on my nightstand (bedside table?) because my cats will almost inevitably knock it off in the morning when they want me to get up and feed them.

My Alexa. Alarm clock. I used to have a couple of little knick knacks that are made of glass. But since I got a kitten I’ve packed them up so they don’t get ruined.

And while it isn’t always there, at this very moment, my thermal underclothing.

Box of tissues
Electric blanket controller
Basket with miscellaneous crap
Robe lying across basket
Foam gizmo that holds my tablet and phone at night
Spare glasses

Two pairs of glasses, one for computer, one for everyday. Eye drops. Bottle of water. Gum and Bioteen spray for dry mouth. Tissue, dental pick for that food trap in my teeth that no matter how I brush or floss, something always seems to be stuck. Chapstick. Barrettes, headband, rubber band for hair. Pen and paper of some kind.

On both: matching touch lamps, alarm clocks
On DH’s: antique tube-based radio (not frequently used, but DH considers it visually appealing)
On mine: rather old iPod on a speaker mount, aromatherapy spray that purports to help sleep (not sure if it really does, but it smells nice anyway)

Each of them (they are duplicates) have a drawer and an open area, which get used for miscellaneous storage, including the occasional cat in mine when one of them decides that the backup sleepwear makes a nice nest (DH’s doesn’t have room for a cat and has hard stuff the cats don’t consider a good nap zone). Not a lot of surface area. DH’s lamp perches on the radio and I need to keep enough clear space to allow cats to reach the bedroom window without knocking stuff down.

2 nightstands. #1 has a lamp with USB connections, a clock-radio, charging dock for my watch, a pair of toenail clippers and a bottle of water. #2 has a lamp, a box of tissue and several books on it.

“On it” being subject to whether or not the cats have been chasing each other around the room again.

I’m at work, so this is from memory.

charging station for watch, earbuds, and phone
land line phone
I think a plant of some kind (you’d have to ask my wife. Maybe it’s an orchid. Maybe she removed it a week or two ago.)
I tray where I can put my wallet and keys
TV remote (x2)

We hard wired lamps into the wall during last remodel, so we don’t have them on our nightstands anymore.

On, as opposed to ‘in’ since mine has a drawer.

LED multi level lumen lamp with USB-C charger, one Alarm Clock with battery backup, one echo dot, one 10 inch Kindle Fire, one multispeed fan, skin lotion, one or two books, my bluetooth enabled sleepmask, and often one of two possible cats.