I have a great big Meyer lemon tree growing right beside my deck. Tons of fruit, more than I can use.
For a little while I’ve noticed that every so often a half-eaten lemon would appear on the deck railing (well away from the lemon tree). Figured it was a hungry squirrel.
This weekend my g/f looked over and noticed that something has been gnawing the skin right off the lemons on the tree. The flesh of the lemons isn’t being touched, just the peel/rind getting taken. I haven’t done a full Lemon Damage Survey but the visible ones are all at the top of the tree.
Any idea what might be doing this? G/f posted this question on some plant-type discussion boards (she’s big into gardening) and some folks posited roof rats (I have scurrying sounds in the attic and found some droppings so I have a feeling that a call to the exterminator is in order anyhow).