What's the best song off of "Rubber Soul"?

I think we should be able to select our two favorite songs off The White Album. I might not be able to vote at all otherwise.

I ultimately went with I’m Looking Through You because it’s one of my favorite of Paul’s.

In My Life.

Doubly so, listening to it after Lennon’s death.

The poll will be broken up into Disc 1 & Disc 2.

Cheers :slight_smile:

I’m sorry that nobody voted for Wait, The Word, or What Goes On. They’re easy to forget when you’ve got such heavy-hitters surrounding them, but they are really good songs. There’s a dark undercurrent in The Word that elevates it from a proto-All You Need is Love to something really interesting and a little tense. And I never realized how complex What Goes On is until I played it on Rock Band. It’s one of the more difficult guitar tracks!

Run For Your Life is on my top ten list of all Beatle’s songs, so I voted for that.

It also contains the Beatle’s song I dislike the most Michelle

This album is, for me, when their apotheosis was first evident. No filler. None.

“You won’t see me.” One night near closing time in a tavern I didn’t hang out in often a grizzled old guy with a guitar came in and asked me if I’d buy him a beer. We had a few and talked and he told me he’d been on the streets of this town for years and years scratching by playing guitar and singing on the street. After closing he asked if I wanted to hear a song. I said he didn’t need to but he insisted. So he sat down on step and played this song. He kept up the up beat tempo and sang in a gravelly yet clear voice. It was beautiful.

Christ, this one was hard.

I ultimately went with “Run for Your Life”, but it literally could’ve been any song on this album, with the possible exception of “What Goes On”.

From here on out, there are gonna be some tough choices to make.


Not for me – well, it would be if you excluded one song.

ETA: Rubber Soul is probably the hardest choice for me in the list.

John Lennon said that Anne Murray’s cover version of this song was his favourite cover of any Beatle’s song.

In My Life is probably my second favorite Beatles song of all time (after Dear Prudence). And I absolutely love harpsichord…though apparently it’s actually a piano played an octave low and then sped up for the final recording.