What's the best way to sell used CDs?

I have a bunch of CDs I never listen to. These are mostly pretty obscure “world music” CDs that I bought because I liked one cut I heard on a compilation, and then discovered that was the only one I liked on the album; or else it’s a bum album by a usually good artist; or else I just bought it on spec and ended up hating it.

I’d like to get rid of these if I might possibly get more than say around $2 apiece. Otherwise it would hardly be worth the effort.

I’m going to New York tomorrow for a couple weeks. Are there places in town where I might be able to sell such CDs?

Alternatively, anybody have any idea of how much such CDs could go for on eBay?


Colibri, I don’t have any advice to give you. Sorry. I’m just popping my head in to wish you a good trip.

I am interested in any responses you get though. I have a bunch of CDs that I’d be happy to unload.

I’m trying to do the same thing, and unfortunately CDs and books are both things that give you little value when resold. . . Which is why we should learn our lesson and utilize the library instead from now on!

I would think ebay would be a pain because you wouldn’t get too much more money than at a pawn or resale shop and you’d have to mess with all those bidders–plus the CDs/cases could be damaged in the mail and the buyers would probably not be too happy.

Look the CDs up on ebay to see if anyone wants them. Look at the completed auctions. Do the CDs sell? Do they sell for enough to be worth your trouble?

Then check them out on half.com. On half.com, you can’t tell if anyone is buying the CDs, but you can still learn useful information. For example, if twenty people offer the CD for $1, then it is very common, and you probably won’t get a good price for it.

If you don’t have too many CDs to lug, you should be able to sell some of them to a used record store. They’ll pick out the good ones and offer you a price. If you check out ebay and half.com first, you can keep out any CDs worth your time selling online, and offer the rest to a used record store.

You can also sign up at Swappingtons. You list your stuff, and if you’re lucky someone buys it for “swap points.” Then you use the swap points to get something you like. I’ve done this a couple of times, and it’s gone pretty well. The trouble with Swappingtons is, there aren’t enough points in circulation, so you don’t get to swap as much as you want.

If you want to join Swappingtons, you can put me down as a reference - I’ll get 8 points. My username is lesan. Don’t worry about it if you don’t want to. After all, I’ll never know ;).

If you prefer selling online, let me know. I can give you some general tips. I’ve sold a few CDs online.

Good luck.

Since the CDs you are trying to sell are all related, why not list them en masse on Ebay? Sell the whole lott for $100 or something? Failing that, I’d look for a local used CD hut and try to trade them in for stuff you like. Just my $0.02

I see people sell used CDs on Amazon and get a decent price for them, as long as they are in excellent condition and include the cover art.

Depends on where you are… here in Texas (and throughout the south, I think), there is a chain rental (books, music, movies) store called Hastings that will buy used CDs if they’re in good condition. Here’s their website to look for locations.

It’s also predetermined what they’ll take. However, you might get more from them there than on eBay (unless you sell them as a lot, as previously mentioned.)

Good luck!

Colibri, I’ve gotten rid of CD’s through this outfit - and got about $2 a piece.


Don’t know if any are convenient to where you’re going to be, but it’s a thought, anyway.

Never do business on Ebay. If you have a problem with payment or fraud, they’re nowhere to be founde.

I sell used books & CDs on Amazon. {BTW–search for my stuff, under “Bosda”}.

Safe, reliable, Amazon handles the cash. I was ripped off on an auction, once, but I used their Amazon Guarentee System, & got every single dime I paid out refunded to me. Including Amazon’s fee.

Very cool.

BTW–buy some of my stuff! :slight_smile:

I hope the link works!


Hmmm…link no work! OG is angry!

Try this


Whlie we are on the subject, I still have some of the old packaging from some of the CDs I bought in the 80’s. Anyone think they is worth anything? They are in pretty decent shape but I would have to look to see what albums I kept.

If anyone is too young to remember (it hurts just typing this), CD used to come packaged in a box twice as long as the CD, usually with a picture of CD cover art on it. It was extremely excessive packaging and the record companies must have realized that they can still over charge for their CDs and cut on packaging costs.

So what do you think?

Sorry for the slight redirection Colibri.