I’ve noticed four or five dopers - Aesirion, Aesterion, and Anastaseon spring to mine - with these type of names. What are these based on - is it Klingon or something? Is it from Buffy? Is it a Dungeons and Dragons thing?
What am I missing?
I’ve noticed four or five dopers - Aesirion, Aesterion, and Anastaseon spring to mine - with these type of names. What are these based on - is it Klingon or something? Is it from Buffy? Is it a Dungeons and Dragons thing?
What am I missing?
Aesiron’s nick is Aesiron, not Aesirion.
Anastasaeon’s nick is a nickname given to her by her husband. (She’s explained this before, somewhere… she’ll probably show up to help out!)
I don’t know where Asterion’s nick comes from, but personally, I just think -ion is a cool suffix, any way you slice it. It sounds so futuristic. Or videogame-esque. Which is always great!
(Look! I pay attention! Please, please give me lollipops!)
A-whoops, forgot to bold one. Not that I’m a stickler for the bolding of usernames in general, but I am a stickler for consistency and not leaving people out. So in that spirit:
Thank you and have a good day.
rinni is correct. (On both counts, where my name came from, and the fact that I showed up )
My real name is Anastasia.
My husband was waxing romantic one day, and, knowing I love the stars, and I love flowers, too - he told me I was his star, his Anastasaeon. Also, that I was his flower, his Anastasalilly.
Anastasaeon had a nicer ring to it.
Oh! I almost forgot!
hands* rinni ** a big lollipop*
I honestly didn’t think anyone was paying attention.
I’m just glad to know that it’s not some new nerd thing that I’m not in on!
Cute story, Anastaseon.
My user names online are almost invariably mythological in origin with -an, -on, or some similar suffix attached because, without fail, the root word is already taken but I still want the name. The suffix, in my mind, means “like or of”
So in the beginning of my internet career, I was Deimosan – like Deimos, the personification of dread and terror to the ancient Greeks. People dread my presence – and when I tired of that name, I rechristened myself Aesiron – of the Aesir, the ruling class of the Norse gods. I’m also very occasionally Dioscurion (the Dioscuri or Gemini even though I am an Aquarius; I like the way it looks.) when I sign up somewhere that I don’t want anyone accidentally discovering me.
I like mythology, am pretentious, and a geek.
Thanks for the correction, rinni. Wouldn’t’ve found this thread without it since I’ve not been on the board in days.
Here’s a cherry blowpop… they’re my favorite.
If you really must know, one of the ways I come up with usernames is to open a dictionary of mythology at random until I come to something I can easily spell and remember. This one just happened to come up.