What's the deal with all of the -reion Doper screen names? (Aesirion, Asterion, etc.)

I’ve noticed four or five dopers - Aesirion, Aesterion, and Anastaseon spring to mine - with these type of names. What are these based on - is it Klingon or something? Is it from Buffy? Is it a Dungeons and Dragons thing?

What am I missing?

Aesiron’s nick is Aesiron, not Aesirion.

Anastasaeon’s nick is a nickname given to her by her husband. (She’s explained this before, somewhere… she’ll probably show up to help out!)

I don’t know where Asterion’s nick comes from, but personally, I just think -ion is a cool suffix, any way you slice it. It sounds so futuristic. Or videogame-esque. Which is always great!

(Look! I pay attention! Please, please give me lollipops!) :smiley:

A-whoops, forgot to bold one. Not that I’m a stickler for the bolding of usernames in general, but I am a stickler for consistency and not leaving people out. So in that spirit:

Asterion! :smiley:

Thank you and have a good day.

rinni is correct. (On both counts, where my name came from, and the fact that I showed up :wink: )

My real name is Anastasia.

My husband was waxing romantic one day, and, knowing I love the stars, and I love flowers, too - he told me I was his star, his Anastasaeon. Also, that I was his flower, his Anastasalilly.

Anastasaeon had a nicer ring to it.

Oh! I almost forgot!

hands* rinni ** a big lollipop*

I honestly didn’t think anyone was paying attention. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m just glad to know that it’s not some new nerd thing that I’m not in on!

Cute story, Anastaseon.

My user names online are almost invariably mythological in origin with -an, -on, or some similar suffix attached because, without fail, the root word is already taken but I still want the name. The suffix, in my mind, means “like or of”

So in the beginning of my internet career, I was Deimosan – like Deimos, the personification of dread and terror to the ancient Greeks. People dread my presence – and when I tired of that name, I rechristened myself Aesiron – of the Aesir, the ruling class of the Norse gods. I’m also very occasionally Dioscurion (the Dioscuri or Gemini even though I am an Aquarius; I like the way it looks.) when I sign up somewhere that I don’t want anyone accidentally discovering me.

I like mythology, am pretentious, and a geek.

Thanks for the correction, rinni. Wouldn’t’ve found this thread without it since I’ve not been on the board in days.

Here’s a cherry blowpop… they’re my favorite.

If you really must know, one of the ways I come up with usernames is to open a dictionary of mythology at random until I come to something I can easily spell and remember. This one just happened to come up.