What's the deal with all the incest porn?

I’m not talking about incest porn existing on the internet but rather the ubiquitous nature of such porn in mainstream porn, found on mainstream sites. Has anyone else noticed this? Every time I visit Pornhub I get flooded with videos titled, “Gina fucks her daddy while on the phone” or “Girl fucks brother” and the like. Is incest porn actually popular stuff? I mean, it must be. But geez, knowing this fact about a large segment of the general population does nothing to improve my view of people.

No cite, but none other than Ben Mankiewicz of TCM fame, claimed on a radio or podcast, (paraphrasing),* “Hey, its all good with the volume down!”* :eek:

His co-panelists called him on it, and he just kept on diggin’.

Search it out on the you tube. I’m sure its there.

Porn comes and goes in cycles with some odd themes. Most incest porn just involves step-parents and step-siblings and not biological relatives. I have two ex-step-sisters that are supermodel quality attractive. I didn’t grow up with them and would still protect them with my life but one of them flirted with me very deliberately about 10 years ago. It was just simple hand holding under the table plus leg play but the attraction was obviously there. We never did anything but we are still close and I can’t control who my parents marry. If the circumstances were different, she would definitely be girlfriend material.

I had a noted sociology professor once tell us that casual brother-sister sexual play was much more common than people assume and it generally doesn’t cause any damage. I never had any biological sisters but I can believe it.

A lot of porn is not about reality. It is just about thinking about taboo subjects in a safe way. Otherwise, The Fifty Shades of Grey and Twilight would have never been made. There are very few people that want a true sadist or a vampire around.

Admittedly I’m ignorant - I have a theory that consumers of mainstream porn by and large are so stupid they will generally lap up whatever is out there. I don’t perceive it as a market which caters much to actual demand from people who really know what they want. I mean, aren’t like 99% of those women unrealistic looking?

I think it is the exact opposite. Porn has gotten so ubiquitous that people are incredibly selective now. You can see anything you want but you better know what that is. When I was growing up in the 80’s, I would stay up for hours just to see a few seconds of blurry nipples and a maybe a very brief bush shot on late night cable.

That isn’t going to cut it now. Anyone can watch porn any time they want on demand but the interests become more and more specific. If you told me 20 years ago, that I could watch all the porn I could ever ask for for free on demand, I would have said that I would never leave my house. That turns out not to be true at all. I can barely be bothered to watch it at all because it it has become so oversaturated. If I watch it, it better be something good or I am turning it off in less than 30 seconds. That is the reason porn has become more and more selective. General purpose porn doesn’t sell but you can sell really specific porn even if it involves women getting raped by dinosaurs (yes, that is a real thing).

There are no porn superstars anymore. The Ron Jeremys and Nina Hartleys have been replaced by ever-increasing armies of amateurs. I am not complaining. Porn used to be a taboo thing. Now it is something your neighbor does for fun in their spare time.

The current issue of New York magazine is focused on how Pornhub has changed the world in 10 years (little known fact - almost all major porn sites are controlled by the same company and they are hugely profitable). It is not surprising. Porn funded much of the ascent of the web in general and there is no way to stop it. Men especially have an insatiable desire to look at all of the boobs and pussies possible. It is very easy to exploit that desire.

You are aware, I hope, that sites like pornhub keep track of what you watch and search for, and serve up more of the same? Once you try incest porn, that will dominate what you are offered after. Could that explain what you are seeing? :slight_smile:

Most people have highly specific sexual proclivities and fantasies. If somebody is relatively inexperienced, it may be that porn introduces them to some new things that they didn’t know they liked, but I’m skeptical that people are blank slates waiting to suck up anything pornographers throw at them.

I would think that both step-relative and biological relative fantasies are common, whatever the incidence of actual incest.

[QUOTE=Hannibal Lecter]
He covets. That is his nature. And how do we begin to covet, Clarice? Do we seek out things to covet?..No. We begin by coveting what we see every day.

Paralleling this, a large number of hosting companies are controlled by Endurance International Group, EIG, ranging from Purehost to Bluehost to Tighthost to Ideahost to A Small Orange to Hostgator to Fatcow to iPage to Intuit to etc. etc., meaning than when you change hosts you may not have changed at all.
The Web gets smaller every day.

Try consuming modern manga or anime without running into the “big brother who must valiantly fend off the advances from his horny younger sister” trope.

Regular sex is actually pretty boring after a while. Even if you’re doing it, and certainly if you’re watching other people do it. You can only watch so much consensual and normal love making between happy, healthy adults before it gets a bit meh, whatever.

So, there’s a need, or a perceived need, to up the excitement factor. Find a way to make sex seem dangerous again. Make it illicit. Make it taboo.

Even so, personally, I think porn producers are barking up the wrong tree. Hey, about this? Try making your product not utter crap. Maybe then I’ll throw some dollars your way.

I know it should be very, very obvious given the thread’s title and content, but let’s not post active links to NSFW sites without observing the two-click rule regardless. I removed the “.com” from your post to break the link.

Carry on.

Bah, that’s just porn producers wanting to have their cake, and eat it too. It’s a way to make an incest fantasy scenario while maintaining plausible deniability. You’re supposed to filter out the step portion in your mind. See, you want a scenario that is taboo, but not too taboo. Not causing actual offense or possible legal trouble level taboo. If you hear “step-sibling” but think “actual sibling” when you jerk off, hey, it’s all in *your *mind. It’s not like the producers put that idea in your head, or anything, so don’t blame them! Right?

Because porn producers are wimps. Also, stupid. We all know it’s a fantasy scenario. Why even bother with the double redundant disclaimer? It’s like selling a soft drink made from the blood of virgins, only to state on the packaging that 1) they’re not actual virgins, and 2) it’s cranberry juice.

Not my cupa, but I’ll ask everyone their opinion at tonight’s bukake party.

Does it cater to a fantasy of gettin it on with one’s actual relatives, or a fantasy of having hot (imaginary) relatives and gettin it on with them, or of watching other people do forbidden things?

Like all porn, incest porn is just playing out a fantasy, namely the “I wish I had a hot girl around me 24/7 that I could bang”.

I can almost guarantee you that everyone who enjoys that type of porn has zero sisters (or brothers, I guess…but let’s be honest here it’s the guys searching for it). How many of us knew a dude growing up who had a hot sister, and you would say, “Dude if she was my sister, I’d be talking to her all the time! Have you messed around? Have you seen her naked?” How pissed did that guy get? Super pissed right? Because that’s his sister, he grew up with her and feels nothing. You’re only freaking out cuz she’s a hot girl.

That’s all the industry is catering to, the fantasy that you have a hot girl to mess around with you whenever you want.

It’s not just you noticing, according to this Vice article, the genre has exploded in popularity and studios are dedicating themselves to all fake-incest films to meet demand.

Why? Beats me. I guess maybe it’s just one of those cyclical things and in ten years it’ll be some other genre getting all the hits.

It doesn’t cater to any of those. It caters to the fantasy of pornography being exciting, or taboo, or even interesting.

I wonder if part of it was just sheer laziness.

Like, imagine you’re putting out porn for consumers, and imagine that MILF porn is getting a good response. And so you ask yourself, hey, what’s MILF an acronym for? Really? Uh-huh. Okay. Well, then, let’s just go with that.

That’s a whole 'nother kind of porn, there!

The women in those videos aren’t my sisters. They’re just regular, vanilla porn videos with 60 seconds of “this is so wrong, don’t tell Dad” dialogue at the beginning you can easily fast forward through. This is far better than bukkake or “painal” or whatever other gross fetishes clog the sites I’m browsing.

Maybe this is pornhub’s way of killing two birds with one stone here? People like me who like fairly vanilla porn can enjoy it, and so can fans of quasi-incest.

As far as I can tell, these videos only started popping up a few months ago, and now they account for like half the videos on pornhub. It is a weird phenomenon, for sure.