What's the first movie you recall seeing that made you cry?

Bambi was my first one, I don’t actually remember crying about it but Mom reports that I did. I’ve teared up at hundreds of movies since then, many listed here.

Old Yeller!!

The Color Purple is the first one that I remember.

More recent movies that have choked me up are;

Saturday Night Fever (the dancing scenes are just amazing, I was no where near that good, but maybe in my minds eye, I was)

It’s a Mad Mad Mad Mad World (the cast was obviously loving every minute of making that film, and I love them all for it, too bad so many of them are gone now)

Brokeback Mountain ( I finally understood what a close friend from work was going through in his life, I was touched by his plight)

Full Metal Jacket (the reveal of the identity of the sniper was so shocking, and the soldiers reaction)

Old Yeller also.

Same here, I was four, almost five.

Yet another. Saw it on The Wonderful World of Disney when I was a kid- messed me up for days.

Truman Capote’s Christmas Memory also messed me up, as did the story when I read it and a stage production I saw. One of the few stories that will make me unable to speak for a few moments.

As far as in the theater probably Schindler’s List (since I intentionally don’t go to many sad movies in the theater). Specifically it was the scene where the little boy is desperate enough to hide in the cesspool only to find it’s already filled with other hiding kids.

Yep. The scene at the end.


And I still won’t watch Dumbo. As a child it bothered me because I identified with Dumbo, now I could not imagine the pain of being kept from my child.

I saw Uncle Walt’s Bambi as a four or five year old in 1947 or ‘48. Still rips me up.

Foe God’s sake, don’t anybody sing “Old Shep.”

My Girl for me, too. Well, I got tears in my eyes, which was the closest I came to crying at emotional movies as a kid. It’s only in recent years that I’ve actually cried at certain movies or TV shows. Bridge to Terabithia was on the other week and had me crying.

I am not really proud of this but, the first (and maybe only?) time I cried at a movie as an adult was the movie Ghost. I went to see it with friends the summer before I was going away to college and it was a real emotional time since I would be leaving a group of friends that were really important to me. The whole theme of saying goodbye and the ending when Demi Moore and Patrick Swayze say goodbye just really got to me. I have seen the movie many times since then and it never bothered me again but that first time, it totally got to me.

Like I said, I’m not proud of it :slight_smile:

That was my first thought, but then I remembered Romeo and Juliet came out before that.
I’m sure there were probably others that I don’t remember, earlier than that, and Thomasina might well have been one. But for Love Story, there were five of us girls sitting in the row in the theater, and fortunately one of the others had thought to bring a box of tissues. We passed it back and forth.

I don’t remember exactly, but it was probably Bambi.

Bumbi’s Mom!

Beauty and the Beast would have been the first time I remember crying during a movie, I would have been 11. Someone mentioned All Dogs Go To Heaven, that came out earlier, but I remember watching that on VHS with a babysitter, so it was probably after B&B, but the timeline is a bit fuzzy.
Incidentally, All Dogs Go To Heaven is the movie that made me realize I needed glasses. I still remember the scene I was watching when I tried on her glasses and went “Holy crap, I can see…I didn’t know I couldn’t see.”

Ive never actually cried, but I have choked up a time or two. The first time I can specifically remember getting a lump in my throat was Field of Dreams. When Costner asked his dad “You wanna have a catch?”

There’s a rigid formula for making you cry at movies, and Disney (and Pixar) have it down cold. I think Spielberg nailed it for E.T. and then tried to go back to the same well when he made Hook, but it just fell laughably flat.

Wait, did anybody here cry during Hook?

The Jungle Book, when at the end the mean little girl took him away from all of his friends.

I missed the point, but in my defense I was very, very young.

House Party

Heh, for me it was E.T. My mom leaned over and said (spoiler alert) “It’s okay, he’s really still alive.” And even as I was crying, I remember thinking she shouldn’t have spoiled the ending for me.

I was like five or six.