What's the last lie you told?

According to some experts, most people lie as often as 3 times per 10 minutes of interaction with others, and almost everybody at least three times a day.

So what’s the last lie you told, who did you tell it to, and why did you lie instead of telling the truth?

I can’t remember mine because I’m a freak, but I’ll ponder on it… I do lie, but it’s incredibly rare and pretty much without exception it is to representatives of companies, not to people I have personal relationships with.

I never lie.

That one ^

“I’m not sure when I’ll be back, I’ll call you.”

To my brother, because I didn’t want to get pinned down into complicated logistics about something that wasn’t that complicated. Then I did call well within the time frame that I said I would, and he’d resolved his problem without my help, so I was off the hook anyway.

That was around 10 this morning.

The last time I submitted my time card. No, I actually wasn’t working every single minute I said I was. Or even close.

I’ve never told a lie.

Those experts were lying.

Now you’re lying.

I never lie.
OK, I lied. :smiley:

Seriously, you have a cite for this or are you funning us?
This morning I called a painting client to make sure she was happy with the job I did, which included a purple accent wall in her master bedroom, at her request. She said she loved it and I agreed it looked great. That was a lie, I thought it looked horrible.

She was probably lying when she said she loved it.

I have some upcoming travel that for boring reasons I won’t go into, I had to tell my mom about. I told her I’m visiting friends, plural. Actually I’m visiting friend, singular, but if I told her that it would cause a whole chain reaction of questions about my sleeping accommodations and accusations of poor morality and just, blah. I genuinely don’t care about her opinion, so to minimize conflict I just lied and said I’m visiting a whole group of people. That was two days ago, if anyone is keeping track.

Ha, touche.
Well she chose the colors.

This is a well thought out and interesting post.
Ok, seriously I can’t remember my last lie.

One person told me something about another person. The second person asked me if the first person told me about it; I lied and said no. That was yesterday afternoon.

Probably the only reason I haven’t lied since is because I haven’t seen anyone since. I think I lie a lot, especially at work. Sometimes it’s the only way to keep people happy.

:smack: I meant to say thread instead of post.

I’m fine.

Well we only have your word for that. And you are, after all, a self confessed liar.

Just saying…

It’s been quite a longtime, I don’t lie. But, to quote Skynrd, “Don’t ask me no questions and I won’t tell you no lies.”

It looks good on you

Friday. I told someone I’d misplaced my phone to avoid hurting her feelings for not answering a text she sent me. Since then, nothing, and before then, I can’t remember the last lie I told. I know I really don’t lie nearly as much as your experts think I should. Which experts are these, anyway?

“I won’t pay more than 300,” then made to leave.

I would have paid up to 400. I got it for 300.