According to some experts, most people lie as often as 3 times per 10 minutes of interaction with others, and almost everybody at least three times a day.
So what’s the last lie you told, who did you tell it to, and why did you lie instead of telling the truth?
I can’t remember mine because I’m a freak, but I’ll ponder on it… I do lie, but it’s incredibly rare and pretty much without exception it is to representatives of companies, not to people I have personal relationships with.
To my brother, because I didn’t want to get pinned down into complicated logistics about something that wasn’t that complicated. Then I did call well within the time frame that I said I would, and he’d resolved his problem without my help, so I was off the hook anyway.
Seriously, you have a cite for this or are you funning us?
This morning I called a painting client to make sure she was happy with the job I did, which included a purple accent wall in her master bedroom, at her request. She said she loved it and I agreed it looked great. That was a lie, I thought it looked horrible.
I have some upcoming travel that for boring reasons I won’t go into, I had to tell my mom about. I told her I’m visiting friends, plural. Actually I’m visiting friend, singular, but if I told her that it would cause a whole chain reaction of questions about my sleeping accommodations and accusations of poor morality and just, blah. I genuinely don’t care about her opinion, so to minimize conflict I just lied and said I’m visiting a whole group of people. That was two days ago, if anyone is keeping track.
One person told me something about another person. The second person asked me if the first person told me about it; I lied and said no. That was yesterday afternoon.
Probably the only reason I haven’t lied since is because I haven’t seen anyone since. I think I lie a lot, especially at work. Sometimes it’s the only way to keep people happy.
Friday. I told someone I’d misplaced my phone to avoid hurting her feelings for not answering a text she sent me. Since then, nothing, and before then, I can’t remember the last lie I told. I know I really don’t lie nearly as much as your experts think I should. Which experts are these, anyway?