What's The Longest Fight You Ever Had With Your Significant Other?

Two days. I made my husband cry over paint colors for our new house. After I started painting he realized he actually liked them.

One year, with my ex. My parents helped us replace the hot water heater, and my dad had picked the less economical one, which really, really pissed him off. We actually replaced the heater a few months later, because the less economical one wasn’t doing the job, and I really thought he would pop a blood vessel. I couldn’t even mention the heater for at least a year, perhaps more? He had one of his famous temper tantrums over it, the kicking and screaming and throwing things kind. At that point I was so inured to his temper that I just rolled my eyes and tried to lay low.

Oh yeah…good times…

I’m glad I could brighten your day! Looking back it does seem indicative of the serious problems we were trying to avoid, but at the time…I was too busy working and taking care of the kids, and he wasn’t home much…I truly didn’t realize he wasn’t speaking to me! I tghought he was just…not in the mood to talk!

My current husband? 15-20 min.

The thing is though, we have at least two arguments which we keep having, 15-20min at a time, over and over and over and over.

Argument the first: He doesn’t drive. Doesn’t know how. I drive. I do ok, having driven for more than 20 years now. He drove long enough to get his P plates (first licence) and never drove again after the day he took the test.

So of course, when we’re in the car, I cannot drive correctly and he is a font of good advice and helpfulness, which makes me nervous, which makes me want to smack him.

Argument the second: We’re both very politically aware and active people, although he’s a tad further left than me. (For Australian comparison, that would make me Labor and him Green.) So both of us left of centre, but him further left of centre. Additionally, he has a real problem with the US and US politics, and he only sort of half understand how it works. This normally means that in the space of two sentences he can manage to insult me because I’m not left enough AND make the country of my birth sound like a Russian gulag, but with a poorly worded argument based on half-remembered, misunderstood facts. And then yeah, it’s on for young and old.

So 15-20min once every few weeks for nearly 7 years. :slight_smile:

I get the Silent Treatment too. The longest time was about 6 months, but that’s unusual even for us - usually it’s a few days to a week. And yeah, every once in a while it dawns on me that he’s not speaking to me for some damn reason.

I enjoy the quiet too.