What's the most interesting car you saw today?

I saw one like that once. I think you’re right in that some people like to customize their Challengers to mimic the look of an early '70s Plymouth Barracuda.

Oh man, what a ride.

Is it just the rear doors???

Yes, the front doors are conventional swinging doors.

Huh. That kinda hurts the coolness factor.

Yeah, I never open my rear doors. So that’d be wasted on me…

That’s cool. Pebble Beach is a seen and be seen affair. Woodward is actually about the cars.

Damn. I miss flagging race cars. Especially at Laguna.

The actual Concours at Pebble Beach, maybe. But many of the other events over the weekend are not like that, especially the Reuinion at Laguna Seca.

You are correct. I realized that I should go back and correct it but was caught up in another communication.

Which engine was in the 2nd Gen Charger R/T? Or did it depend on the year?

The 2nd gen (1968-1970) R/T came with a 440. The 426 Hemi was optional. In 1970, the 440 6 Pack was also available.

My father in law has one and those doors are cool. They work pretty well. As a user it takes a little while to get used to them, how to open and close them, how not to get bonked in the head when they close, and how to get in and out of them.

1963 Pontiac Tempest. Not in great shape, but she’s running and that’s a good thing.

This “cool” bus.

It’d be a lot cooler with a flapstack… :laughing:

Now that’s a creative solution. It reminds me of the time the muffler/tailpipe of my schoolbus came off one morning on the trip to school. The driver quickly and calmly donned gloves, retrieved it, and laid it in the aisle of the bus. He warned us all not to touch it because it would burn us.

When we arrived at school, he donned the gloves again, removed it, and then allowed us off the bus. We could see what the residual heat had done to the plastic walkway cover. Or rather what was left of the walkway cover that wasn’t stuck to the tailpipe. Good lesson for kids to beware when adults say “Don’t touch it!”

A swanky late model Bentley Silver Spur. The available W-12 engine makes 626hp and is rated 12mgp city, 20 highway.

Saw a 1947 Super Buick convertible today in the parking lot when I dropped by to get groceries. It was the color that was called Burgundy. Not in bad shape, but drivable and rough in the cabin.

This was an interesting car that had a straight 8 motor. It was a very heavy car that was quite the ride in its day.

Personally I would like a ride today!

“F PETROL” on this Tesla’s license plate. Love it. The owner said he can’t believe he got away with it. He told the DMV that it means Free Petrol.

It’s great!

VW Rabbit, 1st gen