What's the most interesting cat you saw today?

Same pussy I saw yesterday.

This morning I was watching Too Cute while getting ready for work. They showed a breed of cat I had never seen before - the “Savannah”. It’s a very pretty half-wild cat, all covered with spots and looking a little like an ocelot. But I bet it’s a bit wild to be kept as a pet.

Fluffy the frozen cat was the most interesting cat I saw today.
Good news, she survived.

In the last couple of days there is a listing on Nextdoor in my area for a lost cat, pure white. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a pure white cat before, from the photo it is very striking and beautiful.

We have a small pure bred Persian- now 3 years old. She is the ditziest cat on the surface of the planet. I shouldn’t say small as she now weighs around 5 kg- we sent her to boot camp when we went on holidays and she came back fatter. She is the only cat I have seen today- well also the cat I have named Duke of Marmalade which is a big ginger cat that owns the suburb. I have a picture of him standing on his hind legs drinking out of the bird bath.

We have three cats but they are not the most interesting cats I’ve seen today. A neighbors’ cat is nearly all white except for a small black spot on once side. black ears, and a black tail. At the very tip of the black tail is a round white spot. I think he’s the most unusual cat I’ve seen in years.

“It” would have to be “they”–two obviously stray/feral tomcats who occupy my front porch chair sometimes when it’s cold outside; however they never share the accommodation. Today again, “compromise” was not the object for either of the miscreants. After they squared off and engaged in their simulated cage-fight-to-the-death the noise they were making became entirely incompatible with my afternoon nap.

To be clear, my only “interest” is to interfere with the invaders’ continued existence, and to do so with extreme prejudice. Unfortunately, the lots in this neighborhood are about 150 feet wide, and houses are only 60 feet from the street, thus precluding the use of high-speed lead delivery systems except in very unusual circumstances. (I’m thinking of acquiring an air rifle of some kind…)

The only plus I can take away is that they left a sort-of impressive pile of cat fur in my flower bed.

The most interesting fake cats I’ve seen today.

The fake cats are getting better.

My feral boy whom I’ve been taking care of for two and a half years and who, within the past couple weeks, has started reliably meowing at me and coming up to sniff my hand when I go out to take care of him and his cohorts. He’s SO CUTE. I mean, those tiny meows. I can’t even stand it. He doesn’t want me to pet him at all yet, but this is pretty huge.

It’s not only me!

but I didn’t know this thread existed. – ah, Feb 2019, shortly before I joined the boards; and just bumped today.

I have seen three cats so far today. I see these three cats every day, but they’re still interesting. Whether I’ll see any additional cats today, and if so how interesting I’ll find them, is as yet unclear.

And @SurrenderDorothy, congratulations on progress in making friends with a feral! Sometimes, with years of patience, it is possible.

There’s ferals on our block. Some put food out, going against the written rules. I saw two black ones on the ground (I’m on the second floor). As interesting as it gets. Sometimes I will tap on the window and they will look up with an expression that says, are you going to kill me?

What do you expect? Cats can’t read.