What's the verb for adding an apostrophe?

Is there a specific word/verb for the act of adding an apostrophe to a word? Google has not helped. My English teaching friends have no clue, except “to apostrophe”. One even suggested it should be “apostrophy”; while I made up “apostriphicate”.



That’s the word I’d use, but the definition you give is not the one he’s looking for, as it isn’t talking about the symbol.


Read both parts of the definition.

^ that

Apostrophize! That looks like a winner. Did you actually know the word?

It’s an Apostolypse.


Not really.

That was my first off the top of my head guess. I imagine I’d heard it somewhere before.

Turned out to be right.

Beware the four ampersands of the Apostolypse!

–Good advice for those who may wish to apostasize.