What's the weirdest thing you've done while bored?

We’ve all been there. The seminar, lecture, waiting room. For me, I was on assignment to assist in the transition of distribution for a product. They purchased my time to answer any lingering questions. Due to differences in rates we charge, consulting vs. support, I was given strict instructions to be reactive and not proactive. In other words, wait until I was asked something. They didn’t give me a PC to work with and I couldn’t access my email or the internet with my laptop. So for 2 weeks I just sat there at a table. I couldn’t do any of my own work as those files weren’t with me. I got maybe 3 questions a day. How did I fight the boredom?

I attempted a chronological list of all the US Presidents. I got up until Jackson and went back until Cleveland’s first time, with the exception of Taft. The only ones I left off the list were Fillmore
and Pierce.

BTW, did you kow that while GW Bush is our 43rd President, he’s only the 42nd man to hold the office?

I attempted to list every person I ever played baseball with, starting in high school, continuing post college. Have no idea on the accuracy on that one.

I wrote out the lyrics to Stairway to Heaven, several U2 songs, American Pie, We didn’t start the fire, and Let it be.

What have you done while bored?

Read this post.

The other month I was waiting for a friend to pick me up and was getting antsy, so I rolled up my jeans and began to pluck out my leg hairs, one by one.

Began casting imaginary movies that would have been made, had they been made, in 1970 or 1971.

1). Tried to make myself puke. Couldn’t. Figured out a). that I have, apparantly, no gag reflex and b). that I can touch my own epiglotis and flick it back and forth with my fingers. Sick? Maybe.

2). Made an alphabetical list of every CD and every track I owned.

3). Spent three hours trying to lick my own elbow. Failed.

4). Tried to preform auto-cunnilingus. Failed, again, but figured out that I can put both of my feet behind my head at the same time.

Orange Skinner, will you marry me? :smiley:

When bored I have done any one of the following:

  • Picked at the “mouse” callous on my right wrist
  • Cleaned the house, repeatedly
  • Pushups, for no other reason than at least I’m doing something
  • And of course, browsed the SDMB

Max :slight_smile:

I’ve once constructed a bowling alley in the living room.

I had a job as a customer service rep in an office that did small loans and collections for them.

Well, one day it was late in the day, I was there by myself, I’d made all the calls I needed to make that day…so I took the stack of about 100 $1 bills out of the cash drawer and alphabetized them according to serial number and printing location.
Yes, I was very bored.

I used to work day shifts at a bar…and we had a wooden birdhouse back there (don’t ask)…so every afternoon at work I’d spend hours Tacky-Gluing bottle caps to it.

It’s very hard to get a bent bottle cap to stick to a verticle surface.

And I was glad.

I taught myself to scrunch my nose everytime something surprising happened. Car alarm, book dropping, somebody almost getting hit by a car, and so forth. It didn’t take too long either. Just half an hour of doing it consciously and then my subconsciousness took it over. It’s lasted for 15 years now and shows no signs of stopping. I always get a chuckle out of it.

But the most bored I ever got was waiting for my Mom to pick me up one night very late. While I waited I counted the time, with no abbreviations, although I did count fairly quickly. I got to “One thousand three hundred and somethingty something.” I forget exacty how high I got but it was in the 1300s.

Dangled a baby off a German balcony above a throng of screaming fans.

Ran for parliament.

Came out from hiding and tried to take down these nine pesky dudes that woke me up. Managed to get the old guy that was their ringleader. Servant of the secret fire my butt.



Sex with cars???

oh wait…

Drilled a hole through my desk with a pencil when I was in high school. It took four months.

I also started an experimental novel in class once, about a guy who died from hiccups. Unfortunately, once you kill your protagonist on page 2 it’s hard to think of anything else to write about, so it ended up being a very short novel.

I sat on a park bench for a while.

I tried to do that too.

Housekeys work best for that. :wink:

Once when I was about 8 or 9, I was up early and started counting while waiting for the rest of the house to wake up. Not counting seconds or anything in particular, just counting. I was into the something-millions and was actually excited because I’d never counted up so high before.

Or since.