What's this new popup?

Every time I post it opens a blank page, url http://trc.taboola.com/chicagosuntimes-straightdope/log/3/visible.

I started getting the same thing this morning.

I get it on my work computer, but it doesn’t open.

What broswers? Here, Firefox with AdBlock, no popups. I’d be shocked if it did happen, given my setup.

A quick google shows that there appears (at a glance) to be an uptick in that URL popup windows in many fora, not just SDMB. I’m guessing, non-authoratatively, something coming in with one of the advertisers.

(I’m not quoting that URL because of the stupid automatic linkification, presumably by our other advertising buddies Viglink.)

I’ve been getting it at home and at work.

Both computers Win 7 with IE.

Actually what I’ve been getting is a notification of a blocked pop-up, but it is still annoying.

For me it would happen pretty reliably when I had scrolled down near to the bottom of a page.

It is not doing it to me at the moment though.

From the wiki:

And, apparently, the SDMB.

Same for me. Win 7 and IE 10.

When I scroll down to the bottom of the page as soon as the Taboola ads appear I get the pop-up. It doesn’t happen every time though.

So they are some of the same morons who think I’m interested in the latest diet fads, celebrity gossip, and the same online merchants I go to anyway–or visited once without buying anything? That’s a useful business plan they have there. :rolleyes:

Lather. Rinse. Repeat. - Use a decent web browser with AdBlocker add-in and you will not need to worry about it, nor any other ad that might contain malware.

It doesn’t have to work on you. It only has to work on a vanishingly small percentage of the Unwashed Millions, the same Unwashed Millions this very website attempts to bring out of Ignorance. Which is why putting this kind of crud on this website is an unfortunately effective match. Recurring complaints about advertising ignorance on a website dedicated to fighting ignorance notwithstanding.

You make good arguments. Would you mind trying to convince my employer?

Also I want to note that it hasn’t happened at all today. I just went and hit five threads I have not looked at yet and scrolled to the bottom and no pop-ups. So maybe it broke and fixed itself.

Mmmmmm, taboola.