What's to stop someone going over a high jump in stilts?

Or at least shoes with with one hell of a thick sole? Is their a line drawn?

Answer to OP: rules.

I think this would be counter-productive. It would be difficult to run up to the bar,IMO.


There are rules saying how thick your souls can be?

And Wahoo, you would STEP over the bar, not jump, obviously.

to wit: what’s to stop someone taking performance-enhancing drugs? …nosy people in lab coats.

How the heck could you step over a high jump bar? I’m trying to picture this. Are you saying that the soles of your shoes would be as high as the bar?You would need 15 foot long legs to step those huge shoes over a curb!

However, your ideas are interesting. I wonder if being fired out of a cannon is specifically prohibited by the IOC? I may win the gold at the next Olympics!

I thought the pole-vaulting guy at the Olympics with the jet pack was pushing his luck a little. And that Aussie in the 50metre swim with the torpedo strapped to his back should have thought things through – damn difficult to find somewhere to hang a medal.

thank god someone else SAW that! everyone here thinks i made it up!

I still don’t know why you can’t use Flubber[sup]TM[/sup]. Damn these bureaucrats and their rules!

Well, as moronic as the OP’s question is, this is proof positive that the “pole” part of the pole vault can be dangerous.

(Be forewarned that it’s a video, so ye of little bandwidth keep on truck’n)


(I’m going to be flinchy the rest of the day now!)

Contradictory information from the Official Rules of the Int’l Amateur Athletic Federation; my WAG is that Olympic/collegiate/etc rules are very similar:

Which would seem to rule out stilts, as a “device…incorporated in the shoes.”

However, further down in that section is:

Seems like maybe one could get away with it, if you molded your stilts from the same material as your sole and attached them to your shoes…

Sorry I couldn’t see the video of the dangerous pole. My work’s proxy server wouldn’t let me access it because of extreme, gross, or indecent content. Must of been pretty good.