whats up with these supposed "news" outlets???

I was just finishing a movie at 3:30 am. When it went off, the CBS overnight news came on. I was just in time to be treated to a “humorous” animated bit about John McClain in a very lame Star Wars take off. Now, I am no McClain supporter, but I was offended by the cavaleer treatment that a major news outlet seems to take about politics. If “we” ( and by that I mean the news station ) don’t agree with a candidate’s vievs, are we free to ridicule him/her? What ever happened to objective reporting? For Christ’s sake, most of the world is not as enlightened as the straight dope followers. :slight_smile: By making a mockery of a particular candidate’s statements, you are cheapining the process by which we elect leaders. Now, I am as cynical as anyone,( truth be told, more than most) but this strikes me as **WAY[/b} over the line.What do you’ll think?

Cecil said it. I believe it. That settles it.

Absolutely, we are free to ridicule a candidate and his or her views. I didn’t see the broadcast in question, but I’m assuming that this animated bit lasted a minute or two out of a 30 minute broadcast, the rest of which was devoted to more “serious” coverage. Sounds just like an editorial cartoon in a newspaper. How do you feel about editorial cartoons? Commentary, even humorous commentary, is a well-established and well-respected part of broadcast news.

Well, obviously. If you were you’d probably know the man’s name.

I’m a huge Mclain supporter. I just love the way he beat all those bad guys in that building in L. A. And when he saved all those planes at Dulles? Unbelievable! I was a little disappointed with his antics around the Federal Reserve building, though.

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Oh, please, Manny. He beat the bad guys, sure, but he can’t even manage a normal relationship with his wife. And she’s a total babe! And he’s an idiot who can’t even figure out the St. Ives riddle.

This is a man you want in office? All he really has going for him is that he looks cool in a sweaty undershirt and can walk on glass . . .

yippie ki yay, motherfuckers! My mistake. Still, the news broadcast in question was one of those Headline News type shows, and I don’t think it was warrented. anyway, I heard that Bruce has signed on to do DH4. Wonder who he will kill this time?

Cecil said it. I believe it. That settles it.