What's with the extreme reactions in Donald Trump?

Color me unsurprised that the person who said this…

…supports the candidate with the most anti-Islamic rhetoric.

The media love Trump because people tune in to see what Trump’s latest statement or action was and to hear the media discuss (or ridicule) it endlessly. Trump is good copy and he knows it, and continues to say and do anything that will get him talked about. It’s win-win for Trump and the media, even if it’s “lose” for everyone else.

I don’t particularly think that Trump believes or cares about the stuff he says - his main objective is to get talked about, since his supporters don’t care what he says and everyone else ain’t gonna vote for him anyway. What I do care about - and what has been repeatedly pointed out - is that the only thing that Trump is good at is making money for himself. He leaves behind him a long string of failed businesses (and marriages, although that’s incidental) where the brunt of the consequences of the failures have fallen on his investors, his employees, his customers, and occasionally the taxpayers. Why would we want to put someone like that in charge of the entire country when his track record indicates that he will happily allow it to fall to pieces as long as he gets what he wants? And since what he wants is “to be President”, he really has no incentive to do anything one he achieves it. Anyone thinking he’ll bring wider peace and prosperity to all really hasn’t been paying attention.

TL,DR version - the Trump Business Plan

  1. Promise much
  2. Achieve little
  3. Blame others
  4. Profit!