Will someone please enlighten me on the practices and missions of the Freemasons?
While sitting with my Grandpa in a hospital waiting room, a young stranger struck up a conversation with my old gramps and they talked like they had been friends for 20 years… All because they were both wearing their Lodge rings.
Completely mystified, I asked my mother about this. She was quite vague (probably because she doesn’t know, either), but mentioned that when she and my aunt were teens, they found Grandpa’s Masonic book. And it was in PIG LATIN?! She also said they have hoaky secret handshakes, etc. What gives? Why the secrecy?
Please go easy on me… This is my first thread. I just found out about the SDMB & I’m feeling my way around. By the way, I’m already an addict. And while I’m submitting my disclaimer, I would like to also mention that I don’t mean to offend any members of the Masonic Lodge who happen to be participants of this board.
- nuttygirl
Why suffer from insanity while you can revel in it?