I suppose I had this problem since I was around 15 or so? As a child, I always used to get conjuctivitis (sp?) pretty much once a year. All through my life, I’ve always had eye problems yet I have absolutely exceptional vision.
Ok, during the course of my day, sometimes my vision will cloud and like this filmy white stuff will be in my eye. I put my finger to my eye, slowly pull it out, and like this white stuff is on my finger. Almost 90% of the time, I go into the bathroom, look in the mirror, pull my eyelid down and I can see it just sitting there. I put my finger in there, and gently pull out the white stuff. I pretty much call them ‘eye boogers’ but I’m sure they are something.
Have you ever woke up and saw that white stuff at the corners of your eyes? Well that stuff is IN my eyes. It doesn’t hurt and it really doesn’t feel like an irritant (i.e like having hair or something in your eye) but the sensation of something in my eye really annoys me.
I consulted a docter about this, we went and they gave me these eyedrops that I think the doctor must’ve said to herself “Gee, let’s give him molten lav… ‘eyedrops’ that will burn the hell out of his eyes.” Even then, she was very unsure of what was going on, yet I still continued to take these eyedrops that were excruciatingly painful. They did nothing to clear up the white stuff in my eyes and afterwards, the red vein thingers in my eye would become inflammed.
This has really gone far enough and I’m willing to face up to what is wrong with me. I just hope it doesn’t mean that I have some eye disease that’ll make me blind, because out of everything, I fear losing my sight. I don’t know what is wrong with me, after all, I have terrific vision.
Another interesting thing is that if I’m stressed out really mad or angry, I’ll get that same rubbing sensation in my eyes and the white stuff will be in there. Additionally, if I close my eyes really tight for a few moments, it’ll produce the same results. I’ve pulled out strands that were atleast five to six inches long at some point or another.
Any input or suggestions would be appreciated.