What's your current "earworm"?

Think of me as you sing it. :wink:

I glanced through cactus_waltz’s big band thread a few days ago, and it triggered my internal music player to review several hours worth of jazz. Most of it only played through once, but “In The Mood” appears to have settled in for the long haul, though it occasionally takes five while “Ramblin’ Rover” and “Pharaoh” run in its place.

It could be worse. At least I like those songs. Last time it was REM’s “Losing my Religion”, which I hate.

New one: I heard “Oh! Darling” by the Beatles at 12:15 this afternoon, and that’s been going ever since. I wish I had Abbey Road with me, because I’m convinced that someday I’ll do a passable job at singing along with it. So far, every attempt has been a dismal failure and left me with a shredded throat. :stuck_out_tongue:

A couple days ago I had the worst earworm day. I was driving and I saw a little restaurant named Little Bit Kuntry and that horrible Donny and Marie song popped into my head. So I quickly turned on the radio to drown it out. I was almost to my destination and rid of the song when a commercial came on that had a jingle set to the tune of one of the worst songs of the past millenium*. As soon as I recognized the tune I turned off the radio but it was too late, it was in my head. It wasn’t until much later when I said something that turned out to be similar to a line in Bohemian Rhapsody which then got that song stuck in my head, which was much better.
*I won’t inflict the title of the song on all you good people because you don’t deserve that, I’ll just say that it rhymes with “wakey, crakey” .

The last few days it’s been “The Pot” by Tool, all day every day.

Pink’s Leave Me Alone I’m Lonely . From I’m Not Dead.

[OT]I wonder if the owner of that restaurant is aware that his or her cutesy “misspelling” of the name is perilously close to obscene. (BTW, this is a restaurant and not a “gentleman’s club,” right?)[/OT]

Anyway, I don’t know if this is true for anybody else but the worst earworms I have are from my childhood. I’ll hear some song that I listened to an infinite amount of times when I was four or five and then forgot and then be plagued with it for days afterward. For example, as a tot, I had this Mickey Mouse album which featured a song called “Happy Mouse.” Like most small children who know how to operate a portable record player, I kept playing and playing the album (and the song “Happy Mouse”) until the surface was thoroughly scratched and the grooves were worn almost all the way through. Being young and stupid, I didn’t think listening to a song that many times would mentally affect me and I eventually forgot all about the record. Yet early last Saturday, as I was drowsily listening to the end of Scott Simon’s commentary on “The Value of Rats” on NPR’s “Morning Edition,” I suddenly hear a strangely familiar tune and a squeeky voice singing:

I’m the happy mouse!
And I ought to be!
Cuz you let me in your house
And watch me on TV (ha-ha, ha)!

I could not get that damn tune out of my head for the next three days.

Oh, it’s a weird mix of songs, I promise you. I think around four of them, but who knows what will pop up as I form the list?

  1. “Defying Gravity” from the musical Wicked “Just you and meeeeee, deFYing gravity . . .”
  2. “Malcom McGillikitty” by Ralph Covert. “Malcolm McGillikitty <beat, beat> the psychic cat.”
  3. “Song for the Dumped” by The Ben Folds Five–I don’t even know a black t-shirt stealing bitch who owes me money! I’ve definitely never dated one.
  4. “The Old Apartment” by The Barenaked Ladies “Why did you plaster over the hole I punched in the door?”

Okay, so the last two kind of go together, but not with the rest of 'em. The strange thing is that they just kind of segue into each other in my head. "Just you and me, defying gravity, I broke into the old apartment. This is where we used to live. Crooked landing, crooked landlord, Malcooolm McGillikitty, Malcooooolm McGillikitty, Malcooolm, the psychic cat–well, fuck you too! Give me my money back, give me my money back . . . " And my roommate wonders why I twitch when I sleep.

In the never ending jukebox of hell that is my mind, the current track for today is Heart of Rock and Roll by Huey Lewis and the News. Especially the part in the chorus that goes"Th-th-th-th-th-th-th-they say the heart of rock and roll is still beating…"

Somehow I’ve been fairly earworm immune lately, but El Perro Fumando has had Erasure “A Little Respect” in her head all week after a season 1 episode of Scrubs centers around the song being an earworm in the hospital.

I tried to discover
a little something to

I’ve been oscillating between Great Big Sea’s Scolding Wife and Brad Paisley’s Mud On The Tires.

The. Theme Song. FROM. HAPPY DAYS!

For the past 5 days it creeps up on me! Just when I don’t expect it! Arrrgh!

“Sunday/Monday Happy Days! Tuesday Wednsday Happy Days!”

And, you ask, where did I see this verminous show? When did I hear the hellish dirge? Never! Never in my life!


The last couple mornings, I have woke up to hearing in my head “Wave On Wave”, not as sung by the original(I don’t even know WHO sang the original!) but as sung by Bucky Covington on American Idol.

Don’t ask.

That would be Tusk, Bob.

Visited my brother who played a video of a Fleetwood Mac concert – it might have been on his Tivo. Anyway, the finale was the afore mentioned Tusk which he loved because the horns and drums were performed by the ASU marching band (He’s an alumnus). Played it three times, he did.

That was two months ago.


At this very moment, Billy Joel’s Scenes from an Italian Restaurant. Which is why I’m listening to it. Hopefully it’ll go away.

VNV Nation’s Chrome in alternation with one of the melodies for Tatum Ergo Sacramentum. It’s kind of odd.

Yellow Submarine, Yellow submarine we all live in a ect ect again and again

Oh, you poor soul. Of course, I’m giggling as I write that, but I do feel for you.

For me, it is the song from the new kids’ show Pinky Dinky Doo. I can even be at my desk at wortk and suddenly start singing, “Yesaroonie, positoonie, we’re going to the story box!”


2001 from Mike Keneally’s Wooden Smoke.

Obscure, I know, but you asked.

The old “Michelob Light, for the winner” jingle…because background theme on the Home Depot radio commercial I just heard in the car sounds identical to it.