What's your favorite comic book cover?

Inspired by this post.

I’ve got to go with L.E.G.I.O.N. '91 # 24. This one always cracks me up.

The Brave and the Bold #49 (Strange Sports Stories) from 1963. You really have to see it full size…the grin on the gorilla’s face is just priceless.

Yea! I’m an inspiration!

As I said in the cited post Justice League Europe #22 with the Karen Star’s cat being menaced is great. I also love Green Lantern #2 (current series) which is still on the shelves. Hal flying against a clear blue sky. Simple and gorgeous and it beats the pants off the previous month’s Alex Ross cover which tried and failed at the same thing.

Favorite? No sir, too tall an order. But here are a few I love:

Ruse #24

Futurama Comics #8 (not a very good issue, actually)

This was a great series, with a goof first cover.


Good, not goof. :smack:

Crisis on Infinite Earths #12

A by no means comprehensive list:

JSA #55. Everything about it just makes me giggle. Especially the fact that Wildcat’s costume apparently includes toe-socks.

The Authority (First series) #9. Engineer’s hot, and it’s a nifty composition.

Green Arrow #32. The look on Conner’s face MAKES it.

Doom Patrol (1987 series) #34. I don’t even know where to start describing why I love this one.

My favorite was the first appearance of Zazzala in JLA #23. Don’t know why, but the cover has stuck in my mind for years,

Here’s a fave of mine.

It’s got it all – African tribesman in red boxer shorts shooting a bow and arrow at what appears to be a Sikh leading tigers … improbable upside-down bondage peril featuring a skimpily-clad blonde … they don’t make them like this any more …

In a similar vein, I’ll nominate this one.

But what really makes me bust a gut is the sequence from inside the comic where Ghost Rider gets a bucket of water dumped on his head.

Basically all of those discussed in the link in this thread. “Marvelous.”

I love this one. It’s the girliest cover ever. I would have completely flipped over it had I seen it when it came out since I would’ve been about six years old. As it is, I found it in a back issue bin a few years back and was compelled to buy it and put it in a frame on my wall.

And then of course there are all the truly wacko covers for Superman’s Pal, Jimmy Olsen or as we call them at our house, the “Sorry, Jimmy” collection:

“Sorry, Jimmy, but as local witch doctor, I now pronounce you **man ** and wife!”

“Sorry, Jimmy! The ground rules allow only **one ** survivor! **You ** or Aquaman!”

“No! Stay Away! You’ve become a human atom bomb!”

No wonder things turned out like this:

“It’s time the world knew that the *Man of Steel * is a no-good heel!”

Try this one.


Golden Age.

Or, getting into the Spirit of the thing…


oh…I’m not sure if this counts, but my all-time favorite cover is Alex Ross’ cover of theCrisis on Infinite Earths collected hardback edition.

Flash #123. Flash of Two Worlds. Mindblowing.
Steranko Nick Fury comes second, for the artwork, though.