All I’d ever heard was “hang a yooey” until a friend of mine called it “whip a tit” and later, one of my cousins called it “flip a bitch.”
Are there more I should know about?
All I’d ever heard was “hang a yooey” until a friend of mine called it “whip a tit” and later, one of my cousins called it “flip a bitch.”
Are there more I should know about?
Do a 180
Well, we have two terms in the ivyhouse.
If we have to make a u-turn because that’s the way to get to where you’re going, it’s a u-turn.
If we have to make a u-turn because I drove right past where we needed to turn, it’s a “MyRealName-turn.” :o
I’m boring and say ‘‘Make a U-turn’’
If it’s a required, necessary U-Turn forced by the flow of traffic, it’s a Michigan left.
My favorite is ‘‘flip a bitch,’’ though.
hang a u-ball
I’ve always said, “Bang a yooey.”
Flip around
Me too, ever since Hank said it to Walt on Breaking Bad.
Make a “U-bolt.”
(Got that from my wife–western PA native.)
Dewey Yewie
I say that too–but usually about something else.
A “Ted Heath”?
In the US it would be hang a Louey (L for left).
A ‘Rewinder’…one of my kids said that when they were young. We thought it was hilarious.
“Hang a yooey” for me too. But I am now inspired to make up terms. How about “spank a kitty” or 'pop a southie"?
Chuck a U-ey
In Aus, the generally accepted term is, ‘chuckin’ a yewie’.
In my dialect of Spanish it’s called capucete; it shares the roots of capuz, chapuz or capucha (all meaning “hood”) and of capuzar (“capsize”). If you were already driving das la vuelta de capucete (you make a capucete turn) or haces un capucete (you make/do/shape a capucete); if you were parked sales de capucete (you exit with a capucete).
If someone in the car asks me to make a U Turn, I simply shout with an Italian accent, “U-Turn? U-Turn? Nota my turn so it musta be U-Turn!”