What's your orgasm like?

OP here. In addition to the theatrics, I do something similar to what you describe. I rarely pass out completely, but with a really top notch orgasm I do black out briefly and get that tingly-all-over feeling as I go completely limp.
I think it has to do with how I’ve learned to maximize my orgasm by sort of holding my breath as I cum. (Well, not really holding my breath per se. More like clamping down hard with your entire body and not breathing.)
I never took lessons or anything; I just discovered it by accident in my youth and now I’ve gotten really good at it. Like other things.

Usually the high point of my day ~

:rolleyes: There’s nothing that contortionist about it, you just have to be sitting down rather than lying down. Well, it helps to be sitting on a toilet.

Mine’s kind of like this

:eek: With the hot lava explosion and everything? That must be dangerous for your partner.