Yeah, what the title says. The female orgasm is a wondrous thing. But I’m learning over the last couple weeks that moderation might be a good thing, even when it comes to the female O. I’ll try to keep it short and non-TMI.
I have a new girlfriend and she won’t stop. I lose track. The first time I saw it I thought she was having a series of epileptic fits (who has an orgasm from me taking her shirt off? I wanted to call an ambulance), and the second time I seriously thought she might be having an epic anxiety attack. The third time I became a little frustrated, and now alot frustrated. I’m glad she’s having fun, don’t get me wrong, but it would be nice if she would calm down long enough for me to enjoy it as well.
I take zero credit for this phenomenon, and I’ve never seen anything like it. I’m not talking about orgasms during the actual act of sex, though she has those too…hers start when the clothes start coming off and don’t stop for more than a couple minutes the entire time. As soon as I even touch an erogenous zone, she’s off to the races again.
So here’s an opinion I really never thought I’d solicit:
Does anyone have some tips for reducing a woman’s rate or intensity of orgasm? If she could just chill out a little bit, I’d be happy.
Relaxation therapies, herbal remedies, stuff you tried that worked, I’m up for anything. She and I haven’t talked about it yet, but I’m starting to dread more of the same, and thinking of canceling and hiding during this upcoming weekend. This is a genuine inquiry (which I cannot believe I’m making), so I’m hoping for something useful. My budding relationship is wilting, some advice please?