Looking for Opinions on How to Reduce Female Orgasms

Yeah, what the title says. The female orgasm is a wondrous thing. But I’m learning over the last couple weeks that moderation might be a good thing, even when it comes to the female O. I’ll try to keep it short and non-TMI.

I have a new girlfriend and she won’t stop. I lose track. The first time I saw it I thought she was having a series of epileptic fits (who has an orgasm from me taking her shirt off? I wanted to call an ambulance), and the second time I seriously thought she might be having an epic anxiety attack. The third time I became a little frustrated, and now alot frustrated. I’m glad she’s having fun, don’t get me wrong, but it would be nice if she would calm down long enough for me to enjoy it as well.

I take zero credit for this phenomenon, and I’ve never seen anything like it. I’m not talking about orgasms during the actual act of sex, though she has those too…hers start when the clothes start coming off and don’t stop for more than a couple minutes the entire time. As soon as I even touch an erogenous zone, she’s off to the races again.

So here’s an opinion I really never thought I’d solicit:

Does anyone have some tips for reducing a woman’s rate or intensity of orgasm? If she could just chill out a little bit, I’d be happy.

Relaxation therapies, herbal remedies, stuff you tried that worked, I’m up for anything. She and I haven’t talked about it yet, but I’m starting to dread more of the same, and thinking of canceling and hiding during this upcoming weekend. This is a genuine inquiry (which I cannot believe I’m making), so I’m hoping for something useful. My budding relationship is wilting, some advice please? :frowning:

You’ve missed out on a really important piece of information, does she enjoy herself? Does SHE want to stop the Os? Because if she doesn’t, then I think this whole thread is moot.

Jesus. :eek: Something is Not Quite Right with this girl.

Like, sure, you might be Adonis, Midas and Sean Connery (yeah, I’m old!) rolled into one, but her response is still a tad exaggerated wot. I’ve no idea whether her condition might be medical or psycho/social but you certainly have got yer’self a livewire eh?

Fucking hell. Keep us posted dude. :eek:

I guess I’m just a little perplexed as to why it would trouble you that she’s having so many orgasms. I would think a guy would be mightily proud that he turned on his girl so much that she explodes at the merest touch.

But to answer your question seriously, some forms of hormonal birth control can reduce sex drive, as can anti-depressents.

I don’t think it is moot at all. A lady who orgasms when her shirt is removed is either bullshitting, or suffering from some incredible hypersensitivity to stimulus that needs addressing.


I have a very good friend that gets orgasams from kissing. She don’t understand why guys don’t get theirs the same way. :smiley:
Different people different responses. Not wrong, just different.


My first boyfriend used to cream his pants if I touched him the right way. Seriously. No clothes needed to be removed, just the idea that he might get to see boobies or that my hand was going to touch him *that way * - oohhhhh boy! KABOOM!

My last boyfriend told his friends I had rather “violent orgasms”, because sometimes, I spaz - completely untrollable, it just happens sometimes.

Why exactly are you irritated by her orgasms? Not being sarcastic, I’m genuinly confused.

I’ve gotta wonder if somehow she’s got it in her head that she has to prove to her partner that he’s really getting her off. I also have to go further with that and wonder if she’s been abused or something and now thinks it’s expected of her.

Could it be some kind of skin condition - extra sensitive nerve endings, maybe?

None of our business, but has it been a while for her? Celibacy will often make a return to intimacy incredibly strong and make someone very sensitive.

And it’s always more exciting in the beginning when it’s all strange and new and wonderful and your partner is more perfect than they will ever be again.

Relax and enjoy this while it lasts. This fades over time, sometimes a short time, too. “Fast start, fast finish.”

Then again, maybe you truly are that good. In that case . . . can I have your phone number? For a friend.


Sounds like she never outgrew the polymorphously perverse stage.

Having said that, I can see why it would be hard for a woman (or a man, I suppose) to believe it, but there is such a thing as “too much orgasm”. I don’t mean the number of orgasms, but the intensity of them. I was with this one gal who sounded similar to the OP’s, and I gotta be honest with you, it was hard not to laugh when she came. It was just too much.

I even (tactfully) asked her if she had a history of abuse, like zoogirl mentioned. She said no. I can’t really describe what was so annoying about it… it was just… embarrasing, I guess. Not that someone might hear, who gives a shit about that, but just… I dunno. Weird.

Is there a possibility that she is confusing the physical erotic ‘thrill’ of desire, the tingling up the spine and the erogenous regions, with an actual orgasm?

More importantly, does she have a sister?

But what is the point of finding ways of stopping your girlfriend from having endless orgasms, if she doesn’t want to change anything and won’t willingly do anything that reduces her sensitivity?

Unless you just mean that the thread will be interesting reading, I agree with that :D.

I don’t believe her.

I think she’s craving validation.

First person to make a joke about my male sexual prowess loses ten points.

We all know the female orgasm is a myth.

Unless she’s a lesbian or owns a vibrator. :wink:

I slay me. Ar ar ar!

I can see the point of the OP. The act of lovemaking is much more enjoyable if both participants are involved, mentally and physically. If I was with someone who wasn’t aware of me, or contributing to the mutual enjoyment of the situation because she was totally consumed with her own enjoyment, whether intentional or not, I’d be frustrated. If we couldn’t caress, stroke, kiss, roll around, nibble, giggle, etc., building up to a crescendo of mutual satisfaction because she was creaming every time I laid a fingertip someplace on her body, it would get old really fast.

She definitely enjoys them (I asked just to make sure she wasn’t about to swallow her own tongue), and probably doesn’t want them to reduce. But in the interest of making me feel more like a willing partner and less like a human vibrator, I’m sure she’d consider giving up a few of them for my enjoyment. I’m hoping, anyway.

Interesting. She is not on the pill. Maybe starting would help.

I’m not irritated, I think it’s sexy. But these are constant and intense. Her hands turn into little talons, her thighs become a vise, her hips start doing that bellydancer thing…all of which is great at the end or in the middle or whatever. Every few minutes is a bit much though, I can’t get into a rhythm at all. It’s like being attacked by a nest of perfumed badgers every three minutes while I’m naked. It’s the crescendo of Tchaikovsky’s 1812 Overture, over and over with no build-up.

This is what she’s doing! But she’s not a man. The first time it happened we were fooling around in my car and I was just untucking her shirt and kaboom. I couldn’t believe it when I saw it, I’ve just never heard of a girl having such a short fuse. Don’t share if you’re not comfortable, but did you ever get him to relax? Anything you’d be willing to share would be great.

Interesting, but her responses stick to the usual erogenous zones. I don’t get an unusual response from playing with her wrists or anything.

I don’t think so, these are all pretty intense. And I think you’re right this is…not normal.

I’m thinking yes but it’s hard to get an accurate read. When I made some gentle inquiries, she said something to make me think she’s had this response previously. She’s definitely aware that her libido is stronger than usual. I’m hoping it fades, but since we only see each other on the weekends that could take awhile.

I would sooo take credit for this if I could. :smiley: I think she’s just wired in a way most of us can only dream of, or live in fear of.
I think Anastasaeon might be on to something, maybe she’s like a hair-trigger dude. What are some good techniques to help shortfuse guys relax and take it easy? Anyone?

You need to overload her enough to, at least temporarily, trip the breakers in her orgasm circuits. Beginning today, you muct constantly make love to her. From the moment you wake up, every moment that you are together must be devoted to pleasuring her sexually. Don’t stop even when your penis and tongue are both raw. Eventually, you’ll wear her down to the point where she’ll just not have another “O” in her.

Why are you still reading this? Get thee hence and start pouring the pork to her!

I’ve been with two girls like this. The most recent was the worst of the lot. Mind you, it does make a guys ego go on, but you start to wonder if it is you, or any bloke would do? Anyhow, the latter girl was nearly impossible to go down on or otherwise you would have to spit out the excess liquid every 30 seconds or so, and there would be a sizable wet spot on the bed or other surface. It was a bit uncomfortable, and I gotta say was a bit of a downer because I like going… yeah there. (and when do you stop, usually I stop when they come, but if they are starting another orgasm as soon as the first one is done, when do you finish?)

Anyhow, it is fun even though! G’luck!