What's your pet hate?

Personally mine is cobbled footpaths. Walking on these can be extremely hazardous to one’s ankles.

If you mean What does my pet hate?..
HyperKitty hates cheap generic cat food.

If you mean What is my pet hate?..
I hate finding onions and scallions in my food after being told there aren’t any (I have severe allergies).

[a-hem] Just something pertinent I jotted down in a Gilbert and Sullivan mood one day:

As some day it may happen that a victim must be found,
I’ve got a little list—I’ve got a little list
Of people who annoy me and might well be underground,
And who never would be missed—who never would be missed!
There are models who weigh 90 pounds and tell you that they’re fat,
Biographers who claim to own a subject just like that,
People in the Shop-Rite blocking aisles with their carts,
All sitcoms using plots that try to warm our little hearts,
And chiropractors who treat AIDS by giving you a twist—
They’d none of them be missed—they’d none of them be missed.

There’s the lawyers who claims verdicts all depend on what’s your race,
They’ve really got me pissed—I’ve got them on the list!
And people who smoke cigarettes and puff 'em in your face;
They never would be missed—they never would be missed!
Then the idiot who talks out loud with shrill and strident tone
On all commuter busses in their bloody new cell phone!
And the stout commuting lady who goes trudging down the street
With a business suit above but great big sneakers on her feet;
Jim Carrey, Robin Williams and all manic humorists;
I don’t think they’d be missed—I’m sure they’d not be missed.

Religious politicians who just now are rather rife—
Especially Baptists—I’ve got them on the list!
Who get into the Congress and then try to rule your life;
They’d none of them be missed—They’d none of them be missed!
Pretentious actors who insist their name is said “Rafe Fines,”
All critics who choose books that show up in The New York Times,
New Jerseyites who decorate their lawns with plastic gnomes,
And balding men who glue long strands of hair upon their domes—
But it doesn’t really matter who you put upon the list;
For they’d none of them be missed—they’d none of them be missed!

[getting dressed for her “Litle Buttercup” number]


Over-used, unnecessary, over-lit, poorly-aimed, energy-wasting, glare-inducing, astronomy-obscuring, sleep-depriving, no-security-providing, bird-killing, mindless bad outdoor lighting!

Thanks for asking. :slight_smile:

& my webpage on it…

Not a day goes by that I don’t curse the inventor of those powdered little puffs of evil.

My pet hates ticks in its fur and getting bathed.

I hate the idea that’s taken hold in our society that no matter happens to you, or what kind of problems you have in your life, or how badly you’ve screwed yourself up, it’s always somebody else’s fault! And you should sue them for it!

And I hate the lawyers who get rich perpetuating this drivel.

[aside]Eve: :D[/aside]

Kneecaps. They creep me out. Or rather anything happening to them. Someone wiggled my kneecaps around cuz my legs were stiff and it scared the s*** out of me! I HATE that!

Eve, I LOVED your Gilbert and Sullivan!!! Do you write songs or poems of other kinds as well? It was very clever and I agree with you on 99% of the “list”. I could hear myself humming the tune of the original as I went along in yours. BTW, as a trivia aside, did you know Arthur Sullivan composed the hymn tune music(although not the words) for the well-known “Onward Christian Soldiers.”

Blaming other people when it’s your own damn fault.

Not using directionals when you’re driving.

total hijack

Eve! You must know. I’ve been trying to remember a line- I’m pretty sure it’s from that song (the orginal I mean, tho yours was a splendid update). Something about hating “ever century but this one and ever contry but their own.” Please help.

end hijack
You mean what’s my bete noire? People making fun of my name.

Bravo, Eve!
I hate this disgusting tendency in the media to be waaaaaay too politically correct with everything.

People who try to push their viewpoints on me, while telling me that I’ll go to hell for mine.

Whining parents who insist on ever-increasing government intervention to act as a surrogate parent. Uh, it’s called taking personal responsibility for your child’s actions. If you succeed in censoring everything, what will be left when they become adults and can decide for themselves???
Oh, and my dogs hate it when I’m not home. :slight_smile:

I love cats as pets.
I don’t hate dogs, but I would never want one around every day. Just visiting them wears me out.

folks who say “On a scale from 1 to 10 it is a …” -fill in blank with any number higher than 10. Look, you victems of innumeracy, an “11” on a scale from 1 to 10 is meaningless.