I’m curious to see what routine other Dopers go through week in and week out.
What’s a typical week like for you?
For example:
Wake up, go to work, then I go home, have lunch, I go back to work finish in the afternoon, then I exersize, take a shower and go to sleep. I do this every day, except Wednesdays, when I substitute the excesize for, a night out with friends (or whatever).
If you like, mention what weekends look like for you as well.
Be sure to mention activities during the day that you deem important (taking a nap, having 7 cigarettes a day, going to church, etc.)
So, fellow Doper, what does your typical week look like?
Every day, get up shower, breakfast, bike to work, cups of tea at 9:30/11:00 (sometimes I’ll have a coffee instead!), home for home for lunch 13:30 (feed the stray cat that live in the garage, then feed self) back to work for 14:30, at the moment I’m not getting home until after 18:00 (I’m still at work now - not actually working right now obviously) so no runs during the week, usually most days I’d run a couple of miles. Cook supper while listening to the Radio 4 18:30 comedy. Most days guitar practice 19:00, 19:15 finish cooking/eat supper, watch some TV, bed, sleep.
Repeat ad naus.
I could go into detail about the main meal weekly rotation but I think I’ve suppiled more information than anyone could possibly want to know.
Wake up anywhere between 7 & 8:30. If I’m up before Mr. Athena, go downstairs, make coffee, let dogs out, let dogs in, give dogs cereal. Get coffee, go upstairs, log into VPN, start working (slooowly) whilst scanning Straight Dope and drinking coffee.
Get second cup of coffee, move from SD to work. Work until I get hungry (anywhere between 10 and 1), scrounge up some food. Eat at desk while working/surfing.
Work more until 5ish. Let the dogs out somewhere in there.
If it’s summer, I might break to take a bike ride. Lately have not been doing much exercise because it’s cold & grey outside.
On some days, start a cooking project in the afternoon if I have the time. On workdays, this is typically something that’s not very time consuming - throw a roast in the oven, that kind of thing. Otherwise once I’m done work, talk to Mr. Athena about what to do for dinner, and what we’re doing after dinner.
Sometimes we go out, sometimes we decide to order in, sometimes we decide to make something. After dinner, we either have a “free night” where we do our own personal stuff or decide to watch TV or a movie.
At least once a week we go out and typically meet up with friends and drink too much wine.
Weekends are much the same, with the exception that I spend more time surfing/reading/gaming and less time working.
Wake up around 6:00. Make coffee and feed the fish. Hustle kids out of bed and help them with clothes and breakfast, if needed. Pack lunches. Drive kids to their respective schools. Do any shopping for groceries that is needed and head into work. (I don’t like shopping in the evening if I can avoid it.
After work, I might pick one or both kids up from school. Usually my husband handles transportation to and from soccer practices, but sometimes I do. After practice we take care of any homework and I make dinner and do any cleanup beyond putting stuff in the dishwasher. There may be a load or 3 of laundry in the mix here. Then the kids shower/bathe and do some reading if there is time before bed. Ditto me.
On weekends we do chores in the morning, unless there is an early soccer game. In the afternoon I drive my daughter out to her riding lesson and sometimes there is a 4-H meeting afterwards.
On Sundays we take it easy until church. After church and lunch we may do some recreational shopping or go to a park/museum/movie or whatever.
At 5:00, the cats start prowling around the bed, hoping that THIS morning I will decide to feed them two hours early.
6:45, the alarm goes off. I feed the cats and take a shower.
7:12-8:00 Get dressed, check the weather and train reports, kiss the boyfriend and go to work.
8:45 Arrive at work. Putz around until 5:00 in various ways. Sometimes it’s slow and me and my officemate spend the day on youtube; sometimes it’s busy and I want to pull my hair out. The Dope is always open in the background somewhere.
My evenings vary. Sometimes I go immediately home, eat dinner, and climb into PJs at 8:00. Sometimes I go out with friends. Once a month I have a book club. Every two weeks, I meet with a writers’ group I’m part of. I try to be in bed around 12:00.
Wake up at around 7:00. Shave, take shower, get dressed. Possibly send dirty e-mail to GF. Leave for work at 7:45, arrive at 8:30. Read the Dope for 8 hours, go home. (I might go to the gym during lunch or after work.) Review erotic materials. Make dinner. Veg in front of the TV for an hour. Play guitar for 15 minutes. Call GF. Read, paint, or watch TV until 11 or 12. Sleep.
On Thursdays after work, primp like a male model, get into GF’s car, order a pizza. Take it back to her place, eat, get to bed early.
Weekends are a bit looser, but I always spend Saturday night at GF’s place. Optionally, go for a drive on Sunday.
Weekdays, get up around 8, work by 9:15, leave by 6, go home, quilt, read in bed from ~11 till zzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Rinse and repeat, except for Wednesdays Weight Watchers at 6:30, and once a month quilt guild. And Friday morning, breakfast with a friend.
Saturday sleep as much as possible, clean the house a little, maybe go to a movie. Quilt, read in bed from ~11 till zzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
Sunday, 11:30 Mass, maybe a movie or shopping, come home and maybe mammoth cooking for the following week(s), quilt, read in bed from ~11 till zzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
Monday through Thursday, the alarm goes off two hours before I need to leave the house. Time for massive caffeine intake, shirt-ironing, etc. Teach in nine different schools over those four days, plus a couple of private pupils in the evenings. Get home anywhere between 4 and 8, depending on which day it is, and either follow this with a snooze on the sofa or start making food. Cooking is escapism for me. The Daily Show is my staple TV diet during the week. Into bed far too late, for no good reason.
Weekends, just let me lie in, and I’m happy, I’ve got no routine beyond that.