What is your average day like?

Here’s mine:

I wakeup at various intervals in the night. Sometimes it’s because I need to pee. Sometimes my mind just needs to verify that the world exists. I would like to sleep past 5:00AM but usually that’s one of those points where my mind is ready to check on the world. I wake up, look at the clock, register that it is 5:00AM, note that it is ALWAYS 5:00AM, and lay in a fog until 6:00AM when I absolutely must get up to go to work. The next hour is a whirlwind of shower, coffee, cereal, and commute. I live 15 miles from work. It takes about 20 minutes to get to work. Well, not exactly, it takes longer. I drop my partner off at his job, because he absolutely has to be to work on time at 7:00AM. If you add the time it takes to drop him off, my commute takes about 25 to 30 minutes. I never figure in the time it takes to drop my partner to work.

I am supposed to be to work at 7:00, though I am nearly always pulling into the parking deck at that time. I rush to my office, which is a 5 minute walk from the parking deck, cut on the computer, check my email, and pull up the “Straight Dope” website. A couple of my co-workers are already at work when I arrive, but the vast majority meander in anywhere between 7:15 and 7:30. They are all supposed to be in at 7:00. Noone stresses though because the boss is always at least an hour late.

For the next 30 minutes, I talk with the one other liberal in our department. I then go to the bathroom. Back at my desk, I read the “Straight Dope” until 9:00AM, when I then go on a 15 minute walk. Now my mind is set on lunch, though it’s still almost 2 hours away. More “Straight Dope”, a check on the DisneyWorld/Universal Studios boards, the weather, and the news fills the next couple of hours. It’s lunch. I’m free. An hour of not pretending to work. Woohoo! By 1:00PM a few work requests may or may not show up in my inbox. It doesn’t matter. The requests never take longer than an hour and usually only require a few minutes of my time. A little more “Straight Dope”, a couple of hours conversation with the other liberal, and it’s 3 o’clock. It’s time for a bathroom break. I reserve 3:00 to 3:45 to exchange pleasantries with my conservative co-workers. It’s about all I can stand of them (They are the particularly abbrasive kind of conservative —you know, the nuke-the-muslims type). A phone call to my partner telling him I’ll be there to pick him up at the usual time and shutting down the computer at 3:55 closes my work day.

I pick my partner up at 4:10ish, and we talk about our day as we head to the park.
Him: “Stress, stress, stress”.
Me: “Easy, easy, easy”.
Him: “Tired, crabby, overworked co-workers”.
Me: “Sorry, sorry, sorry.”
We both start playing our game of singing silly lyrics that we make up on the fly to popular songs.
Me: “Stop it. You’re going to make me too silly and I don’t need to be rear-ending anymore Rav-4s”.

We arrive at the park in 15 minutes. I go for a 15 to 20 minute jog; He walks for that time. We meet back at the car and —drive (there’s considerably more traffic now)—talk with partner —forage for supper —30 to 45 minutes of TV—talk with partner----check out a few adult websites—sex? naw, we’re both to tired to do it right —talk ----pack a few more boxes for our impending move. It’s 9:00PM; we are shutting down. Brush and floss ----Oops! forgot to do toning exercises —half-heartedly do 50 crunches and 10 chin-ups —that’ll have to do. Harumph, we should’ve had sex. No matter, we always have sex on the weekend. He retires to his bed; I to mine. We sleep separately because I am such a light sleeper and he snores. My bed is upstairs in a half-finished attic. I take a large plastic cup from a local eatery. I’ll be damned if I’m negotiating those stairs at night just to pee. This cup will do nicely. —masturbate ----lights out —sleep. Repeat process.

About me (included to put my day in the context of my life):
age - 38 years old
job - Programmer Analyst Associate (I don’t know what that is either)
salary - $48718/year
education - B.S. in studio art (yes you read that right, BS), B.S in CIS
partnered - yes, for 8 years
goal - to quit our traditional jobs in 2 years and see the country. (We have been saving for this for the past 6 years)
hobbies - painting, playing guitar (but who really has time for that)

here is a link to a live recording of my bro, sis, and me, made back in the early 90’s:

here is my photo - http://profiles.yahoo.com/millbrookdave

In the weekends it varies, so on weekdays:

8:00 a.m. Wake up, spend a few minutes lounging lazily in bed, get up groggy and bleary-eyed and head downstairs. Eat breakfast, read newspaper, cool heels and make fun of brother as he leaves for classes. Get teased back by brother. Stuff binders and papers into knapsack, throw some clothes on, rummage around for bus fare and keys and student card and debit card. Run around looking for shoes. Grab jacket, head out the door.

9:00 a.m. Wait by the bus stop two blocks down. Buy a Toronto Star, twiddle thumbs, chat with strangers, daydream. The bus comes! Read paper on bus, go down from my house to the university.

10:00 a.m. English class. Sit next to two friends, talk anime and Asian movies and sci-fi books. Ogle laptops and turn verdantly emerald with envy. Doodle. Take some notes. Yawn. Afterwards, go out for coffee with friends.

11:00 a.m. Sit in library, :wally around. Read books, get bored, surf the Web, get bored, eat lunch, get bored, run into the glass revolving door on my way out. Wandering around in Queen’s Park (aka Land of the Free and Home of the Squirrels) also helps.

1:00 p.m. History tutorial. Slip through a secret back door in the building and clomp down the stairs to the basement. Sit at desks with other girls (and lone guy). Mmm, history TA is hot. :wink: Doodle some more, discuss readings.

2:00 p.m. Linguistics class. Stash myself and bag in back row with my pals. Play Hangman, pass notes, swear at each other and use dirty Spanish words and plan a movie outing. Listen to the Ling prof. Doodle. Take a few notes, listen to the (lovable, but annoying) oaf in the front row ask too many questions. Fall asleep.

3:00 p.m. History class. Sit in big auditorium, enjoy plush seats and big soundstage. Listen to prof rant about capitalism and historical context. Doodle. Walk to the bus stop with my friend Angela afterwards.

4:00 p.m. On bus, heading home. Read the two daily free papers, try the crosswords (usually fail miserably).

5:00 p.m. Get home, dump my bag, chat with Mum and help her make dinner. Make more fun of brother as he gets home. Get teased mercilessly all over again.

6:00 p.m. Dinner, seated at kitchen table, followed by sitting with Mum on couch and watching CSI together at 7:00 p.m. Take puppy for a short walk, watch her sniff and pee all over everything and bark at huge dogs.

8:00 p.m. Shower, dry off, do homework, play Sims, and surf. Must wear my fuzzy blue slippers at this point or all is lost.

Between 12:00 and 2:00 a.m. Turn off computer, lights, open window, open door for hallway light, and go to sleep.

Mundane, no? :wink:

Wake up to hubby’s alarm at 4:00 am, and he hits snooze once. Sometimes I get up to pee. Doze back off - he kisses me goodbye at 4:40. My alarm goes off at 5:30. Hit snooze until 5:50, get up and shower. Get dressed, feed dog, grab some leftovers for breakfast to take with me, and fix coffee to go. (It was made on automatic at 4:00 am. Leave the house at 6:15-6:30. Drive to work, arrive 7:00-7:15.

Log in to computer, check work email. Log onto the Skip’s MagicBoard, and then the UnaBoard, then the Dope, and open another window to check personal email. Open Pro/E (my work software) to have something up to hide the Boards behind. :smiley:

Do some work, maybe. Depends on deadlines. Go to lunch at 11:30-12:30. Come back and surf a bit - Food Network recipes, links posted in the Dope if my company’s filtering software will let me. Read the online newspaper. Visit with cow-orkers a lot.

I will work my ass off and barely read the SDMB if necessary. But when we’re slow…

About me:
age - 46 years old
job - Mechanical Designer - I (help) design production equipment for subsea oil and gas production
salary - $50k+/year
education - 1 yr drafting school
partnered - 4th marriage - we’re about to have our 1 yr anniversary!
goal - to pay off enough debt to move to Daytona Beach and open a restaurant
hobbies - cooking, reading

I didn’t finish—I got interrupted with work!

I go home at 5:00, drive for an hour, maybe stop at the grocery store on the way. I cook dinner, nothing too elaborate during the week. My hubby does e-bay, and I watch TV while dinner cooks. We watch a little TV during dinner around 7:30-8:30. In bed by 9:30-10:30. Usually just have sex on the weekends.

Wake up at 7:50 to hubby’s alarm, sometimes as early as 6 a.m. on my own if my brain’s running a mile a minute. Turn off my own alarm before leaving the room, shuffle into the kitchen to feed the cats. Make coffee while the littlest cat chases her tail or a sqeak toy behind me and the older cat rubs his head on my foot. 8:30 or so, husband gets up, gets in the shower, I shuffle down to my office and turn on my computer. Kiss hubby goodbye, eat breakfast and rub cats for a minute, then take coffee into the office. Check e-mail immediately, make any necessary phone calls, send queries, work on any current projects, spend entirely too much time on the Straight Dope (like now), with one break to get more coffee, then around 11, shuffle off to the shower. Take a shower, work about an hour longer until 12:30, heat and eat leftovers in front of the TV, drink a couple glasses of water. 12:50 or 1 p.m., back to the computer, keep working on contracted work if I have any, work on creative projects if I don’t, or getting new projects. Around 3, tell myself I’ll go to the gym to beat the 5 p.m. rush. Around 4 p.m. I grab a snack (can’t go to the gym if I’m starving - I’ll have some carrots and crackers with peanut butter!). 6 p.m. hubby gets home. I’m usually still working, and will continue to do so until about 7 p.m. Finally, ask hubby, “Wanna go to the gym?” Hubby usually says no, so I go to the gym, come back, make dinner while husband cleans dishes from the night before (did I mention we’re slobs?), eat dinner, get in bed at 10 or 11 with every intention of sleeping immediately, fall asleep at 1 a.m. after reading and losing track of the time.

About me:
Age: 29 years
Job: Freelance copywriter and editor, occasional translator in Spanish, French, Italian, Catalan and Portuguese
Salary - Scarcely worth mentioning, but should improve this year (literally, it was 4 figures last year, but then, I started my own business last year - didn’t expect a great salary last year, and hey - at least my taxes won’t be too much of a blow. Sort of.)
Education - Bachelor of Arts in Archaeology, Spanish and Masters in Linguistics
Situation (married, single, SO): Married since April this year
Long-Term Goal: to earn enough money to take over household expenses so my husband can quit his job and go back to school, then start his own business.
Shorter-Term Goal: To get at least one of the three contracts I’m currently competing for so I can pay for our utilities, and have some left to take my husband on a vacation and pay for all of it myself
Hobbies: running, biking, reading, cooking and eating too much, sewing when I can, and making obnoxious comments to my husband that for some reason make him laugh

0640: Alarm goes off
0649: Get up
0651: Stretch
0657: Get on Trainer
0727: Get off Trainer
0730: Eat something
0740: Get clothes prepared
0750: Shower and stuff
0810: Get dressed
0825: Actually leave the house
0905: The usual time I get to my desk (I drive 128 so it can vary wildly)
0906-1330: Respond to emails, meeting requests and people showing up at my cube.
1330: Lunch
1410: Surf web, maybe more meetings and email.
1745: Leave for home
1840: Get home
1850: Make dinner
1920: Eat Dinner, discuss day with spouse. Make plans for later in the week.
1940: Free time
2330: Bed time
About me:
Age – 30
Job – Senior UNIX Admin
Salary – $X/yr
Partnered: Married for nearly 9 years
Goal: Get a higher education.
Hobbies: Reading, MMOs, Melee Weapons, Tabletop RPGs

Anyone want to read about a newbie?

My usual day depends on the day. If I am off work:

Everybody (3 kids and husband) are up and out of house by 0830. I walk back from bus-stop (my 1st grader is the only kid at the stop) and get online. IF I get online, I can kiss working out goodbye, so am trying to go workout first. Sometimes, I sop my conscience by putting in a load of laundry, prior to getting on.

By 1030, I have finished online stuff and am off to do errands. Grocery, dry cleaners, gas, library, video store, Borders, mall(ugh). Home by 1230-1300.

1300: lunch, more laundry, assorted household chores, more online.
1530: kids home from school, cede computer to them and start dinner and afterschool rounds (sports etc).

2000 (why I am posting in military time escapes me at present)-youngest off to bed post homework and bath. Older 2 are online, doing homework, on phone etc. I am watching a DVD while folding laundry, picking up etc.

2200: bath, book, bed. Sex? oh, yeah–not tonoc, I’m bushed!

Now, if I am working:

0520: up and out of bed. Off to work by 0630.
0700: punched in and in report. I am in charge every day I work (I’m a nurse), so get unit report, get my pt assignment.

there is no typical day at work. Most days I do not sit down, We (the non-office workers) are not allowed internet access while at work.

1230: eat something or faint.

1930: finish report and punch out. Home by 2015. Pick up, help kids with homework (ha! usually am completely braindead at this point!). In bed by 2130.
Sex? No way–I can barely move!
age: 42
job: parttime RN–ICU/Stepdown
salary: low 30’s
education: BSN
partner: husband, married 17 years, not all of them happy. 3 kids, 1 girl, 2 boys.
goal: finish my book and get an agent. Stop wasting time!
Hobbies: reading, gardening, travel.

Alarm goes off at 6:45, except on Wednesdays. (Then it’s 6:30 because I go in to work early.) Rummage around and try to find something to wear. Go downstairs and bundle up to take the dog outside. Fumble with getting leash on squiggly dog while wearing gloves (I typed globes there first. But I won’t be putting those on until later. :wink: ) Finally get leash hooked onto dog and try not to go ass-over-teakettle on my way down the steps. Dog drags me around the yard. I inadvertently step in dog crap at some point. Go back inside, fill dog’s food and water dishes. Have broom fall on my head while I’m digging at the bottom of the dog food bag. Curse myself for having gotten out of bed.

Get in the shower at about 6:50-6:55. (insert personal hygiene stuff here—don’t look!) Get out about five minutes later. Get dressed. Have a smoke. Finish getting ready. Go upstairs and kiss hubby goodbye, tell him I love him, to have a good day, and to be nice to the other kids. Forget to grab breakfast on my way out the door. Drive several whole blocks to work.

What I do at work varies on the day. On Mondays and Tuesdays I’m pretty busy all day. Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays I work for about half the day and spend the rest on the SDMB. I go home for lunch, let the dog out, and scrounge around for something to eat. There’s no food as usual, so I settle on toast and peanut butter. Settle in to watch the dirty, dirty soap operas I became addicted to in college. :o

After work, I let the dog out again. I ignore the mess in my house and go straight to the computer, where I play the Sims until my husband comes home. Or at least that’s what I tell myself I’m going to do. I keep playing once he’s home. He can make dinner or we can order out. Sometimes I really do cook. We eat dinner and watch TV. TV is on for the rest of the night. I half-watch and read. If he’s not home, I play Sims some more or read.

At 10 p.m. sharp it’s time for bed. Brush, floss, get a glass of water. Watch the Ellen DeGeneres show in bed (I’m in bed, not the show) until I fall asleep. Wake up to take my glasses off and turn off the TV.

Lather, rinse, repeat. Except on the weekend. Then I’m a wild animal. :smiley:

6:20: Alarm goes off the first time. The Elf hits snooze. Usually he gets up before the 6:30 warning. Elf starts shower while I lay in bed listening for him to finish washing his hair.
6:35: Join The Elf in the shower.
6:45: brush teeth, moisturize, comb hair, get dressed while listening to the morning news.
6:50-7:20: Drink coffee while watching more news. Chat with Elf until he leaves for work at 7:10.
7:20-7:50: Drive to work. Am currently happy because constrution on I-35 is over until March, traffic usually good.
7:50: Turn on computer, open Outlook, open AOL, open Dope, make tea.
9:00: Decide to get some work done now that email is all read.
9:10: Read Dope, check email.
9:15-12:00 Repeat last two steps over and over and over…
12:00-1:00: Eat lunch. I keep soup and frozen dinners on hand so I don’t have to go out. Either read email and Dope or do some small, portable craft project, often all three. On payday I usually go to the bank and run errands.
1:00-5:00: Repeat 9:15 to 12:00 pattern.
5:05: Hit the road. Traffic in the afternoon is always busier. Cuss other drivers.
5:40: Pull in the garage.
5:42: Kiss The Elf. Kiss The Elf again.
5:45: Decide what to cook for dinner and cook it while listening to news in other room and chatting with The Elf.
6:15-7:00: Eat dinner and watch The Simpsons.
7:00-10:00: Evenings are usually spent watching TV and doing whatever craft project I am currently obsessed with. We like historical shows and documentaries, but when such highbrow things aren’t on we will find other things to watch. I think we watch too much TV. :wink: Sometimes we will have sex between 9:00 and 10:00 so we don’t miss The Daily Show.
9:45: Make coffee for in the morning.
10:00: Go to bed and watch Jon Stewart.
10:30: Lights out!

About me:
age - 37 years old
job - Drafter/HVAC Designer
salary - $40000/year
education - Associates of Arts in Drafting Technology
goal - To be able to stay at home and create sellable crafts, beaded jewelry and quilts
hobbies - Beading, quilting, email (I include email because I seem to spend an awful lot of time doing it.)

Whoops! I forgot:

age - 27 years old
job - reporter
salary - Jack Squat
education - B.A. in English Lit
partnered - Married four years
goal - To win the lottery and volunteer at the local elementary school. I also want to live on a farm and take in all kinds of animals that nobody else wants.
hobbies - SDMB, reading, The Sims, drinking beer, playing pool.

I also forgot:

Partnered: Yes, 3-1/2 years
Also, I have no children or pets (unless you count The Elf, and he’s furry enough to count as a pet, I suppose)

6:15: Alarm goes off, I once again curse the world that I did not die in my sleep.
6:45: After hitting the snooze several times I finally stumble out of bed.
6:45-7:00: Clean myself up in the shower, brush teeth, shave if needed, get dressed for work.
7-7:25: Eat breakfast (usually jsut a bowl of cereal) whilst watching the first 25 minutes of Buffy
7:25-7:30: Hastily scable together some food that can barely be considered a lunch, throw into lunch bag, head door.
7:35-8:25: Drive to work.
8:30: Arrive in the shop
8:30-8:40: Talk a bathroom break, cause I’m too rushed in the morning.
8:40-9:00: Check my three work email accounts (yes, 3 email accounts just for work) and check phone messages.
9:00-12:00: Do any assortment of the following:
a) Take care of the phone messages/email that need my immediatte attention
b) Browse the internet, usually SDMB (I’m going to get fired for this one of these days.)
c) Look at what I need to do that does not need immediatte attention, decide which ones to do.
12:00-1:00: Lunchtime. Spent eating in my shop whilst browsing the SDMB.
1:00-4:30: See 9:00-12:00.
4:30-5:30: Drive back from work
5:30-6:00: Get back from work, change out of work clothes, look at the disgusting pig stie of an apartment I live in and think I should clean it, then don’t.
6:00-6:30: Simpsons.
6:30-8:00: At some point in here is dinner, intermixed with some TV, usually. 7:00 is ALWAYS good east, but aside from that, nothing is set in stone.
8:00-12:00: Entertainment of some kind, either TV, books, or DVD’s. Intermingled in this are my futile attempts to fix my computer (been broke for close to a month. have had new parts that SHOULD have fixed it for as couple weeks, byut they just made worse problems!) Loud yelling and the pounding of a fist can usually be heard.
12:00: Bed time.

About me
Age - 22
Job - Biomedical Technician
Salary - $30000/year
Education - B.S. in biomedical engineering.
Partnered - Nope. Just blew a good chance to be, too. :frowning:
Goals -
Short term: get that goddamn computer fixed! Save up some money for a possible trip to New Orleans for Mardi Gras.
Long term: Get a better goddamn job that I actually use my degree for. Possibly grad school, but I could never afford it.
Hobbies - Well, usually computer games, but not right now (I’ve had World of Warcraft since early December and have been able to play it for about five hours total! :mad: There goes my free trial month). I like to read fantasy books and cook.

I get up reliably before the crack of noon. Then I do the shower, dress, and what chores I cannot put off any longer. Off to work, by one, with a stop for lunch on the way, and perhaps a stop off at a daylight hours only store to get some specific thing or other. Work is mostly two to ten, sometimes three to eleven, sometimes one to nine, and occasionally one to eleven. Whichever, it involves no phone, no computer, and very little in the way of situations I haven’t seen before in the last twenty-five years. My clients greet me like Caesar returning from Gaul. My co-workers are less demonstrative, but are generally happy that I am working, since it involves them working a bit less than if I was not there. I always work weekends, with my workweek being Friday to Tuesday. I take every other Tuesday off, leaving me with a two-week cycle with nine workdays. The best part of my schedule is that the administration division tends to leave early on Fridays, and therefore have only a very short opportunity to ruin my day. They are always too busy on Mondays, leaving only half the Tuesdays to harass me.

I do my grocery shopping after work, in the almost deserted grocery store, where the folks like me so much that the will open a new palette of stuff just to get me on package of what I want. (This might be affected by the silly hobby of giving people the flag of their home country as a gift, when I meet them.) The twenty four hour Wall Mart is an occasional stop, for what little shopping I do. Then perhaps a restaurant stop, for a late breakfast, and a bit of reading. (More waitresses with flags, so I get great service, even though I am an indifferent tipper.) By late at night, I come home, and web surf for a while, then read a bit, and then do the chores I can no longer ignore.

I believe in the old saying “Early to bed” so I get to be fairly early, certainly no later than five.

Every other week, that all changes, as I spend the “weekend” with my daughter, from Tuesday, to Friday, noon.


“It is as respectable to be modified monkey as modified dirt.” ~ Thomas H. Huxley ~

10:00am Wake up

10:05am Get online

03:00pm Make lunch

03:30pm Eat lunch

08:00pm Make dinner

08:30pm Eat dinner

12:00am Go to bed

If it’s Tuesday or Friday, add “Watch movies from Netflix” in there somewhere. Otherwise, that’s been my life for the past two months while I’ve been healing after getting hit by a car while walking to work.

I’m 22, almost 23, haven’t attended college, and have no short or long term plans.

I had an average day, once, back in 93 I think it was.

An average day for me at the moment is quite different from what it’s like during term time… anyway, here it is -

0620 ALarm goes off - hit snooze
0630 Repeat
0640 repeat
0650 Repeat
0655 Get out of bed
0700 Breakfast
0725 Drive down the road to work
0730 Start work - whatever my boss tells me to do… working on an orchard so pretty much he tells me which trees I should be pruning/thinning
1000 Break for tea
1015 Continue work
1200 Break for lunch
1230 Continue working
1500 Break for tea
1600 Finish work for day (normally I guess I actually finish around 1630 or so)
1630 Start my evening of either reading a book or watching tv
1800 Watch news - make dinner
1830 Eat dinner
2230 Bed time

Yeah, my life is pretty uninteresting at the moment - which I think is really nice. I’ve learned a lot about orcharding over the summer, which has been really interesting for a city person such as myself…

About me
age - 22 yrs
job - student - orchard worker over the summer
salary - making $12(nz)/hr at the moment… bette rthan nothing I suppose
education - working on a MA of Arts (Philosophy) at the moment. 1.5 years to go
partnered - no
goal -
short term: get my moeny situation in order. I don’t think the bank is very happy with me just leaving the country for a year with my overdraft limit exceeded by far and not telling them about this…
long term: finish university degree. get a job.
hobbies - none. SDMB, I suppose. Also drinking beer.

I’m not sure I have average days, beyond a vague framework. Being a SAHM is like that; lots of variety in a lot of ways. Today was…interesting.

7.00 Wake up, pretty slow. Get kids dressed, breakfast, then shower.
9.00 Drop DangerGirl off at home preschool group, hit the grocery store.
10.00ish Put away groceries, clean the bathrooms, fold some laundry, play with the baby.
10.30 FedEx delivers box. It’s our 9th wedding anniversary, and DangerDad said he was giving me an experimental present (usually we don’t have gifts, it being 2 weeks after Christmas anyway). It’s–very surprisingly–a bouquet of roses and a vase, fresh as can be. Nothing like this has ever happened to me before.
11.15 Load up stroller to go get DangerGirl. Bug guy arrives–run inside to shut windows. Walk to preschool house.
11.30 Arrive at house, where we find that DangerGirl has just mistakenly been given a cinnamon roll for a snack–one with walnuts in the glaze, though she ate only the bottom half with not much glaze. She is quite allergic to nuts, especially walnuts, and we have just broken a successful 20-month nut-avoidance record. Her tummy hurts, and we administer Benadryl and start home.
11.45 Get home safely, and she immediately throws up on the floor (wood, happily). After clean-up, she’s installed on the couch with a bowl, a cup of water, and the sick-kid quilt.
12.00 Dad comes home to administer comfort and help me. Fix lunch, cry some, and prepare for DBaby’s doctor’s appointment. Dad stays home with DGirl.
1.30 Doctor. DBaby is very annoyed to get two shots.
2.00 Home and naptime. Dad goes back to work. Mom recuperates with websurfing and a book.
4.00 DGirl gets up and we write together; I take notes on my book while she practices her handwriting. She requests a Darth Vader-shaped quilt. Um, probably not, kid.
5.00 DBaby gets up; she slept long from the shots. We hang out, and eventually I fix tomato soup and couscous for dinner.
6ish Dad gets home; dinner.
7ish Get kids ready for bed, read chapter of the Wizard of Oz, put kids down at 7.30.
Evening: snuggle on couch, watch some TV, do some embroidery, read some books together. Happy anniversary to us!

Here’s something I wrote almost a year ago and pretty much still applies to my daily life. I got hurt at work (a back injury that prevents me from doing my job) and now I’m waiting for everything to be resolved:

Some might (even I at times) consider my injury to be, well …injurious to my life. I confess that at this instant in time I am content in my detachment from society. Yes, I contribute to the economy at large by paying off large loans in order to live and I buy goods that keep my children in favor with their friends. But I no longer contribute in any meaningful way to society. Instead, I am now a drain sucking from its troughs and only a few can know how bittersweet that can feel. I once was an over-contributing member of society. I was the lowest of the low that faithfully and filthily left his family at dinnertime and on weekends, ironically, to make sure other peoples drains were flowing. I’ve never felt the satisfaction of being a servant to society in such a way that there was ever an emotional profit for me. Although I took immense pride in my work and excelled in my industry, there was never any respect to be gained for me by anyone. So now here I am sucking from society and not only does it grant me a freedom I never expected, it fails to leave a void one would expect to encounter creatively. I simply do not care to contribute more than I take in an economical sense. In a natural sense, I hope to leave the world unscathed from my existence, but that is as far as my obligations take me. Like Jim Morrison said, “I’d rather be plodding away in my own personal garden.” And although this isn’t quite the garden I’d hoped for, it’s a start. I have no aspirations other than my own personal selfish ends. I do not want to retrain and become a functional member of society again. I’m a burnout.
(NEW): The thought of a vacation seems just as sweet now as they did then.

So, that’s pretty much what my day is like.