When a poster is suspended, they get a thread. What about..

…posters who have racked up a warning about problem behavior? How does word get out in those cases?

Handy, for instance, had an injunction against posting in medical threads. Several posters have been instructed to only post in one thread about their pet topic, or only start a certain number of threads per week. It seems like the restrictions were common knowledge, but was it a case of the posters outing themselves, or a thread being posted by a mod/admin?

There’s a post by a mod in the Thread Of The Last Straw. Some form of “Enough! You are hereby on notice to not post on this subject again or you may be warned/suspended/banned.”

Why does word need to get out?

Seems to me that it only needs to get out to one person.

Word out on the street.

The warning is for the poster, not the general population.

If you see somebody posting something that you believe bends or breaks the rules, report it.

The poster in question is informed of the restriction, via PM and email. That person is the only one other than the mods who *needs *to know.

A warning thread could be very counter-productive. If there was a thread that said, for example, “Qadgop the Mercotan has been warned repeatedly for violations of cheese rules on the SDMB and is hereby placed on Double-Secret Probation,” it might tempt some of our weaker members into asking him about gouda, just to see if they could push him over the edge.

I think I didn’t phrase my question well. Word doesn’t NEED to get out, but frequently it DOES. It seemed like everyone during the time of Handy knew about his restriction. Same with Diamond. I was just curious if it was an organic spread of knowledge- the poster mentions it out of whatever motivation, and word spreads- or if there was something official that went out.

Sometimes a poster may be given moderator instructions to cease and desist a particular behavior in a post in a thread, so it’s public knowledge. But we don’t start separate announcement threads on the subject. As has been said, the only poster who needs to know about the restriction is the poster in question.

We take a dim view of other posters attempting to goad another poster (outside the Pit) on subjects where it is known that they are under restrictions or for that matter on something that is a sore point.

In Qadgop’s case, however, I think we would be more likely to impose a restriction on talking about his love of Marmite.

Funny you should mention that. Last night I was doing a direct taste comparison between Extra Old Marmite and the swiss spread, Cenovis. Using a sourdough english muffin split in two, sufficiently toasted and slathered in unsalted butter, I covered one piece with jolly old XO, the other with that Helvetian treat. First I compared spreadability, noting that the XO was much treaclier, with more of a shine. Then I sampled one, then the other, comparing sensations on the palate, gustatory pleasures, mouth feel, aftertaste, and degree of head rush.

My conclusion? I need to buy more of both and do further testing.

Did I tell you about my experience with a Marmite chocolate bar? No? Well, it started like this, with a mystery package in the mail, with a return address that read only “from one of the Teeming Millions…”


Frankly, I don’t think “Marmite Mastication” is a topic that should even be allowed in The BBQ Pit.

What Qadgop the Mercotan says;
“Funny you should mention that. Last night I was doing a direct taste comparison between Extra Old Marmite and the swiss spread, Cenovis. Using a sourdough english muffin split in two, sufficiently toasted and slathered in unsalted butter, I covered one piece with jolly old XO, the other with that Helvetian treat. First I compared spreadability, noting that the XO was much treaclier, with more of a shine. Then I sampled one, then the other, comparing sensations on the palate, gustatory pleasures, mouth feel, aftertaste, and degree of head rush.”

What inmates at the prison hear when Qadgop the Mercotan says it;
"Funny you should mention that. Lastnight I was doing a direct taste comparison between Extra Old Marmite and the swiss spread, Cenovis.Usinga sourdough english muffin split in two, sufficiently toasted and slathered in unsalted butter, I covered one piece with jolly old XO, the other with that Helvetian treat. FirstI compared spreadability, noting that the XO was much treaclier, with more of a shine. ThenI sampled one, then the other, comparing sensations on the palate, gustatory pleasures, mouth feel, aftertaste, and degree of head rush."

The thing about Marmite is that you don’t even have to masticate it. (Well, maybe Extra Old, but I’ve never tried that.) It just goes down smooth as a slimy slug.

A tasty slimy slug!

lieu, what we got here is a failure to communicate.

What do you know, whiskey hurts when you expel it through your nose.
As to the OP: We could all do well to learn from the mistakes of others, but the banned threads do an OK job of letting us know, when well documented.

Going a step beyond that, you don’t even have to consume it.

Unless you’re Australian. Marmite consumption is mandatory there, like voting or being bitten by poisonous animals.

“Mandatory Marmite Mastication.” I’d click on it.

Didn’t we agree the last time it came up in the mod loop, that we could ban people for posting about Marmite under the “No Hate Speech” rule?