I am sick and tired of all these bad people out there walking around doing evil things all willy nilly. Its time us good guys got together and just did away with them. I am aware of due process and burden of proof, but its clearly not working. So I say we make a list of bad people and just kill them all. It’ll be like the Stalinist purges only for people who deserve it instead of innocent civilians. Whos with me?
Since someone who advocates mass murder is pretty much the definition of a bad person, I have a great idea where we can start the pogrom. That knocking at your door? It’s not the pizza guy, Cornelius.
Seriously - most people think of themselves as “good guys”, even as they (I should probably say “we”) do bad things with the best of intentions. It’s part of the human condition. Only in movies do the characters divide neatly into guys with black hats and guys with white hats.
Doing good even in the face of evil is hard, but it’s what makes us the good guys. Shooting people in the face is more satisfying but a lot more messy, morally and physically.
Two guards on the wall & cell block B?
Whoever fights monsters must take care that he does not become a monster himself.
~ Freddy Nietzsche
Finally! I thought *I *was going to have to say it.
This is actually an interesting statement. Awhile back I worked for a temp agency and they put me in a bail bonds office.
One thing that really shocked me, was how NICE and CHARMING bad people are.
I would see some things these people were charged with and I was like, “Can those be the same people? This person couldn’t have done that.”
Of course he did it, of course he’s guilty. But he was charming and nice, at least to me.
I also learned that’s the thing about bad people. They are fine, as long as everything is going their way.
Great, but I want to add to the list all of those people who misuse apostrophes or confuse it’s and its. That’s unfortunate for you, though.
There are a few bad people I’d like to kill. For instance, people I owe money - they’re bad by definition.
The South did that from the 1860s-1960s.
It wasn’t a nice, pleasant experience.
I would like to add people who have money, yet selfishly refuse to share it with me. Those jerks.
Well, you’ve got the beginnings of an idea but it’s too timid. You end up with problems of people in the margins, a little good, a little bad. Too complicated.
I say we kill them all and let God sort 'em out.
Also, from the Dungeons & Dragons supplement, Book of Exalted Deeds"
“Whether or not good ends can justify evil means, they certainly cannot make evil means any less evil.”
My noisy neighbors are probably bad people.
Too complicated and too much judgment required. As an alternative, hand-pick a few people you consider to be good and kill everyone else with no exceptions.