Just a little story that might help remind folks to be careful on the freeway, and/or spend a couple extra minutes preparing for camping trips.
Yesterday, the guys at the office decided to take the day off and go golfing during a special at one of the courses. It was about the hottest day of the year so far, temp in the 90’s humidity in the 90’s. But when you can golf all you want for 27 bucks, you go. After 36 holes, I quit as the heat was getting to me and I was on the verge of seeing elves running around.
On the drive home, I notice a pickup with one of those new super-deluxe oversize camper shells huge pontoon boat in the right hand lane of the two lane strip. I’m admiring the boat as I’m zipping by and as I’m passing by the front of the boat, I notice out of the corner of my eye, a large piece of metal sticking out towards my car. I’m thinking “what a goofy looking downrigger… why would anyone have a downrigger that big… why would anyone have a downrigger in this area… oh well, it’s his boat… wait a sec… that wasn’t there a second ago… was it?.. Man, must be the heat”.
The back of my car jumps up and over a little. “Aw shit, what did I hit”?
My side mirror shows something metallic bouncing into the ditch. Knowing that nobody was behind me, I slow down a bit to eye the gauges a bit and to get a feel for if I have a flat or something which wouldn’t be too much fun on a downhill. Just as I decide that all is well and I don’t need to pull over to the shoulder, I look up and see in my rear view mirror that the pontoon boat is now in my lane, closing the distance to my ass!
I jump on it and zip in front of the truck, not believing what I’m seeing in the mirrors. I noted with twisted humor, the exact moment when the driver of the truck, who is braking a bit on the downhill, looked out his window and saw his boat passing him.
(New truck and camper, $60,000. New Bass Tracker Pontoon boat, $15,000. Losing a drag race on land to your boat, Priceless).
Priceless was the look on his face… it was just shy of exquisite. He starts pulling over and I watch as the boat and trailer combo gradually drifts to the shoulder, hitting an overpass guardrail and “Kaploof”. It’s over.
Good news. Nobody is hurt and the road isn’t fouled. My little bitty Eclipse shows nothing out of the ordinary (at a quick glance in the tall grass of the shoulder).
Bad news. His insurance is gonna jump up a bit. Seems his camper’s bumper with the hitch just kinda broke free of the camper letting the whole schmeal go merrily down the road. (Separation speed was around 60mph). (That was the piece of metal that showed up out of nowhere in the front… the bumper at the moment of separation). In the ditch, the bumper was still hitched and safety chained to the trailer.
When I got home 45 minutes down the road, it dawned on me (still heat fried and coming down from an adrenaline burst) that my car jumped a bit right before it happened. I looked at the side of my car and noticed that my hubcap was gone. A closer look, and further playback of it all revealed that just as I almost passed it, the bumper came loose, the boat tipped backwards a bit, the moter hit the road, and the trailer swung over towards my lane and drove the now free bumper into my rear wheel. What I saw bouncing in the ditch was my hubcap. Hitting me let the trailer straighten out enough that it didn’t just fly into the median.
That’s when it hit me that if I’d been going a fraction of a second slower or faster, the bumper would have hit anything but the steel wheel, and from the marks on it, punched through any other part of the car, wheelwell or glass and I probably would have been attached to the boat for the whole ride. A lucky day overall.
My point? Especially with the big camping summer holiday coming up, be careful when you are around people towing things like boats, trailers, etc. When they come loose, it happens in an instant. If you are gonna pass em, pass em and don’t dawdle while admiring what it is. The best driver in the world has no control if they lose the hitch. And if you tow a boat, camper, etc. make sure that your vehicle is in good shape to do it. This guy had the best hitch you could buy and enough safety chain to tie down a jet. Didn’t mean dick when the bumper bolts sheared. Although his truck was rated to pull anything on the planet, his camper wasn’t rated for the weight of the boat. Give the whole system a safety check, not just the connection point, and double check your tow ratings on ALL the equipment.
Be safe and be happy