When Come Back Bring PII A Mobile MMP

Blergh. More work, chaos, plague of locusts at work. Sick or sinus problem.
beebs, Thrak would like to be Rusty’s friend.

Good Mornin’ Y’all! Up and caffienatin’ here. I’d rather be asleep though. The weather is gettin’ cooler and that makes me wanna hibernate.

Howdy Shadow!

CutiePie I don’t know fro DSL and landlines, or in AT&Tese wired phones. However, today, I do get to learn about combined billing. Yep. I shall learn how folks may get one bill from AT&T for everything. Sounds almost as excitatin’ as Lean Six Sigma. :smiley:

Ok… need more caffiene. And brekkies. And purtification.

Later Y’all!

Morning all, up and caffeinating. Weee, it’s Shadow, good to see ya again. :slight_smile:

3acres, I think we’re about the same age, at least that’s what I get from the nearness of our replies in the Feud threads. :wink: Anyways, good to see ya!

Back to work today. Happy Tuesday all.

I might as well have stayed up all night for as much sleep as I got. Not too much happening here today. We’ve got 3 lunches but it’s only for a total of 55 people. One of the lunches is for 8 people and I’ve got to drive it over 45 minutes away.:rolleyes: And they’ve decided that they want to switch to direct billing instead of instant credit card payments. Did I also mention that they always order the cheapest thing on the menu, too?:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:


Certain customers don’t sound like they’re worth the trouble, Pie.

Awake. First work crisis already averted. Gotta get ready for work. Remind me why I’m not independently wealthy again?

Happy Tuesday everyone!


Good morning!

I’m up and caffeinating, but I get to go in late this morning. We’re having what they’re calling a “Town Hall Meeting” over at the other building which is far away. It makes more sense to leave from home at 7:30 and fight traffic than to go in to work for 30 minutes and fight traffic. Right? :smiley:

I’m gonna have to eat something before I go, but I’m not hungry yet! I usually eat around 8:00 am at my desk. I wonder if they’ll have bagels and stuff. Probably not, the cheap bastids… :wink:

Afternoon all! Been a busy morning over here, trying to bully tutors into taking on projects. Next thing will be my infamous random allocation programme which I can guarantee tutors will not like. Do I look like I care?

I made yummy beef in mushroom sauce last night and had it with baked N.O.T, followed by low-fat coffee, chocolate and cognac mousse. Tonight 'im indoors is making casserole in the crock pot so I expect to find at least one cat camped out in the kitchen because there’s sausages in there.

It’s Fat Club tonight so I’m behaving myself all day, I’ve even turned down the offer of a chocolate biscuit or two. Can you see my halo shining?

Morning all. Getting ready for work- really want to play hooky.

I mentioned in the last MMP that I will take the next unassigned Monday- did anyone make note of that? :slight_smile:

Hope all is well- having been posting much, but reading everything. Been in my head a lot and it’s a scary, scary place.



That is all.

Hi all. Busy, feeling sick and just can’t keep up. I am home from work due to said sick feeling.

I sent a kinda bitchy email to the HR manager this morning, to “express my disappointment” about the way my visa sponsorship/population registration process was managed. Basically, the halfwits in HR only managed to tell me about all my necessary government visits/appointments 10 minutes before I was supposed to be on the other side of the country, or half an hour after the fact! I got a kinda snarky, policy-worded (sidestep the issues raised) email back from Madam HR Manager, which I would love to re-direct back to my original complaint, but I just can’t be bothered. Anyone who can read should be able to see she’s a moron!

Sigh … I’ma go lay down for a while!

I’ve seen Saturn before, and it really is cool. We could see some of the stripes on Jupiter (in the past I’ve seen the eye but it was facing the wrong way this time) and Jupiter’s 4 Galilean moons. Very cool. I like that kind of stuff, but in small doses. It gets cold out there at night!

Hi Shadow!

I think the Issue of the Missing Data has been resolved so I can actually go do work now! Woo.



I hate you.

Have some coffee, bobbio!!! :smiley:

Someone’s in a good mood this morning… not sure who that could possibly be, though. :slight_smile:

Sorry about the visa frustration, Dotty. I don’t suppose smacking HR Lady with a wet trout would be helpful? I mean, at the very least, it could make you feel a bit better about all that nonsense.

BooFae, that dinner sounds positively yummy! Especially the chocolate and cognac mousse. Nom nom nom.

Another lovely day of working hard at hardly working here in Rogersland. After lunch, I shall be subjected to two hours of Six Sigma jargon and more stats than you can shake a stick at. Envy me.

It’s cold and blustery outside. Much to my dismay, cold and blustery enough that it required that I leave my spring/fall jacket at home and wear my almost-winter jacket instead. Sniff. Won’t be long before the heavy fur-lined parka makes an appearance, which annoys me to no end.

Swampy, you oughta complain to HR if you didn’t get your minion of evil hat and secret decoder ring. Of course, being fellow minions of evil, they might have kept them back just to torture you. Thinking over it again, you might just want to be quiet. Or steal them from someone else.

Ah, but Mahna, this is LEAN Six Sigma. It’s the best of both programs. Yes, Six Sigma was originally for the manufacturing world, but they swear that you can now use it for the service world (hospitals, etc). They even have real life stories to demonstrate how well it works. Bleah…

Good mornings, blurfs, etc. Back to work. Much to do, not nearly enough time.

Blurf. I’m sleepy today. And cold. It’s cold in our office today. Brrr.

I did make those apple turnovers/tarts/whatever last night. They were pretty easy, and quite tasty. I did add cinnamon because I can’t imagine an apple dessert without cinnamon.

Can I go home now?

Taters, my sympathies on LSS. They tried to foist that stuff onto us a couple years ago along with “Kaizen” and a couple other nifty shiny new [del]toys[/del] business buzzwords, and the Engineers fell all over it.
MM, yes indeedy do, Engineers adore numbers. I won’t tell you what they do with them, though. :o It’s too disturbing for words.

Hockey Monkey, you’re just…eeeeeevil. :smiley:

I missed an apple turnover recipe? No fair.

And yes, go home now. Go. Shoo.