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They use Six Sigma in corporate environments, too, as part of project management. I had to take the initial training in it when I worked for a company that had been acquired as part of GE’s attempts to enter the consulting business, lo, these many moons ago.

Bah! Taters, I feel for you. That stuff is boring, and it’s the same as any other “process improvement paradigm” with the numbers filed off and the name changed.

Yup, I posted a link to it yesterday. Not sure if they’re technically turnovers (or what they really are) but it involves apples in phyllo, and it’s really really good. Here’s the recipe again.

Unfortunately, I don’t think my manager would agree that I should go home.

I love to annoy people with my good moods. :smiley: Earlier this year, I was called aside at work because of my attitude. Work was slow which translated into less money which translated into me being bitchy. I was told to get it together and not let it show. In other words, be happy. I thought they were crazy. I can’t just BE happy. As it turns out, it is a choice (most of the time). Work is still shitty, and I don’t know how I’m going to pay my rent next month, but I get up in the morning and put on my happy just like I put on my clothes. I do tend to run low on the happy around the end of the month though, so be forewarned.

DogMom, I believe the relationship between 'geers and numbers falls under the header of NSFW. Quite possibly even very, very NSFW. :slight_smile:

Stuck in meetings for the rest of the day. Poop. :frowning:

AT&T says they don’t know why my payment has been returned. My bank says they didn’t return it. They are each urging me to call the other. I have had just about enough for the day.:mad:

More good news in the tailcount department: Velcro the foster mutt (Pit-Boxer mix) goes to a rescue group tomorrow. The tailcount will become 3 cats and 2 dogs, which is 1 cat too many.

Anyone want Booger or Ralph? I can throw in Audrey, and you can have a feline 3-pack.

ETA: Actually, 3 cats is 4 too many, as far as I’m concerned.

Oh, I just love those and threaten to drag both parties into a conference call.

I’m about ready to either drag my pained carcass to my doctor’s office and plant it there until he can see me. He wants to see me soon, but the scheduling people don’t seem to understand this.

Silliness from building management… We’re having the annual evacuation drill at an undisclosed time tomorrow. We have a meeting scheduled for 11 AM to go over how well the drill went. :smack: So much for the element of surprise. Might as well post “Be out of here at 9:30!” at the elevators. Or, if it was colder here, post “Don’t bother taking your coats off”

You are so right. It’s downright scary.

And my sympathies on the meetings. IMO, the only good meeting is one that’s canceled so I can go home early.

Is it too soon for me to be thinking about the Thanksgiving menu?

As if the United Way fund raising wasn’t annoying enough already, they’ve sunk to a new low in my office. They decided to hold a “management time out” where we could pay $1 and whichever upper-management-type (CEO, CFO, COO, etc.) we wanted would have to sit in a chair in a “time out” for a minute ($1/minute). They, in turn, could pay up to 1/2 of the total to get back 1/2 of the time. Kinda silly to start with but ok.

But today’s the “time out” day, and they’re announcing whose turn it is to sit out and saying things like “He’s been a very very bad boy.” Um… ew. Not work appropriate. C’mon. There *have *to be better ways to raise money.

Tired. No internet till now today. See ya.

I have my doubts…I’m w-a-a-a-a-y older than the tarragon in my kitchen…almost 54 years older. :smiley: Just spent the morning working on the canal project, but it started getting cloudy and breezy and chilly, so I’m inside, goofing off now. What’s that Six Sigma thing everyone’s talking about? It sounds like one of those insane corporate quality programs. Dang, that’s one thing I sure don’t miss one bit. Ahh, the timer just went off; my dinner is ready to serve up. Mmmm, chicken and collard greens with an onion and some garlic.

Nope. Not even if you’re Canadian.

I’m thinking about Christmas presents. So there. Not Easter, yet, but get back to me in a month. :smiley:

Just woke up from my nap. Still aggravated.

That looks good. Can we stop by for dinner?

I’m thinking about Thanksgiving and Christmas presents. I’m gonna make some rib rub and put it in decorative jars for my co-workers. I make awesome rib rub!

We always have the exact same thing for Thanksgiving, 'cuz everybody bitches if I change anything. <sigh> It’s getting boring. One thing though, I will totally not screw up and accidently buy a pre-brined turkey this year. The year before I made Alton Brown’s brine and it was DA BOMB!

My parents (who are in their 60s) live in a retirement community, and the longer they’re there, the more we’re convinced it’s really college for old people. The most recent example is that they’ve been having art displays in the community hall with different residents displaying their work for a month at a time. This month it is a photographer who does some nudes and had two as part of the exhibit.

Well, two of the more curmudgeonly residents took offense and complained to the administration who then removed the two photographs. The artist and *many *of the other residents countered that it was censorship, and now there’s this big battle over these pictures and the residents’ rights and so on.

I’m fully expecting to hear that they staged a sit-in at the administration building any day now.

taxi maybe they’ll take over the admin building. Then when the SWAT team rushes in they can all go limp. Then after they make bail, they can go on a Geritol shooters binge! :smiley:

CutiePie if the bank did not return your payment, then random strangers are running amok returning payments willy-nilly. Is AT&T telling you the bank returned the check as NSF? Or are they saying payment wasn’t received? Can you access your bank account on line to see if the payment went through? Also, you can tell the AT&T rep that “The Customer Rules” and see if that prompts things to happen. Those are, from what I’ve learned so far, magic words. Yep. I have stumbled upon a very strange, yet fascinating work environment. I am wading through the excitation that is AT&T’s billing cycle. Or, I should say cycles. UMMM… AAAAAARRRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHH!!!

I’m waitin’ on ol’ y’all know who to show up. I did some chicken boobs in the slow cooker with french dressing. I won’t even consider french dressing on a sallit but I like to cook with it. Go figure. Dindin shall be the boobs, butter beans, wild rice and rolls. I’m hongry and can’t wait to eat! Actually he’ll be here just after six, so I should go put the rolls in the oven.

Later Y’all!

Went to the dentist this morning. Didn’t want to, but who knew bagels have bones? Yep, was chewing on a bagel last week and one of my teeth just crumbled! Ungrateful wretch. Anyway, I’ve got a plastic ‘temporary’ tooth in now, and go back for the permanent crown in 3 weeks. $954.00USD! Ouch!

In other news, we made the Pioneer Woman’s chicken spaghetti last night. I followed the recipe exactly, for once, except that we didn’t leave it in the oven for the full 45 minutes, but instead fell on it like a couple of angry Vikings after 35 min. It was good, but Wifey thinks it needs more ‘attitude’. She thinks a can of diced chilies would do the trick. Y’all should try it.

Taxi, you’d think once a person gets past 60 they’d be over that kind of silliness, but maybe not. Personally I’ve mostly always thought that considering what we were all born with as ‘dirty’ was pretty silly. le sigh

Once upon a time, when I was working as a project programmer for a Very Large Corporation, management decided we could work without our ties, on Friday only, if we would chip in $5.00 to United Way. Whoopie! :rolleyes:
The fact that we never saw anybody except other programmers, and the occasional computer operator, never even entered into their tiny little heads. We were required to wear suits and ties At All Times. Otherwise we were certain to run amok and possibly set fire to the building.

I haven’t even thought about Thanksgiving yet. Heck, I’m trying my best not to think about Halloween. I suppose I’ll have to buy some candy soon, and something to give out to the kiddies, too.