When descreetly breaking wind...

I’ve discovered you cannot blame it on the African Grey sitting on the chair next to you.

But you can blame it on the toy poodle next to you. Atleast I do. :smiley:

You guys need the Fart Pad from American Inventor…

Wow, how cool is it to see “Lips_Obsession” in a thread about discretely cutting a fart.

Of course you can, as long as it doesn’t smell. I think our Jardine’s has picked up a fart-like noise from us (either that or it’s supposed to be the coffee grinder).

Rex! Get out from under that there chair before he done takes a shit on you!

Oh, we don’t have to worry about blameing him for the AUDIBLE ones. If you catch my drift. He mimics them just fine.

“Discreet” I understand. “Fart” I understand. Together…not so much.
Fart proudly, man!

Did you lean to the left when you did it?

Don’t tell anyone it’s an African Grey. Tell everyone it’s a rare Melanesian Flatukeet and it’s costing you an arm and a leg to have its food imported–Papuan legumes and denatured sulphur water.