When did Family Feud get Slutty?

In a severe bout of insomnia lasting weeks I stumbled upon Family Feud on the game show channel. I remember watching feud with Richard Dawson and this latest incarnation gave me a shock. First what a smarmy host, the black guy with the mustache. Second the questions are very often stupidly crude and slutty, "where would you hide if caught having an affair etc. The contestants seem to be much more stupid than the 70’s show they hardly win fast money very often multiple zeros on the final questions. It is just my imagination or did I just see a bad batch?

I don’t remember the questions being all that risqué, but I was always stunned at how presumptuous he was about full-on mouth kissing every female contestant. And that was back in the 80s, which were prudish by today’s standards.

I can count on one hand the number of friends I know we’ll enough to share a friendly hello or goodbye kiss with. I wonder if female contestants had to agree to that before coming on the show.

The black man you refer to is Steve Harvey and smut sort of comes along with his brand.

So yeah, Steve Harvey basically turned the Family Feud into a Jerry Springer game show. Complete with equally stupid contestants.

Wait - is this show still running? Well damn. I thought Ray Combs killed it in the 90s.

We watch occasionally. My husband likes to yell out the answers and he’s quite proud when he gets one right. He does the same thing with Repo Games and Cash Cab. :slight_smile:

I don’t think Harvey is all that smutty. Some of the survey questions are quite leading. And some contestants seem to think a naughty response is called for.

Other way around.

By contrast, I recently saw a clip from the show with the current host, and he actually recoils when a contestant touches his arm.

I’m not exactly a Steve Harvey expert but I have seen his comedy. He isn’t particularly smutty.

I kinda like Steve Harvey. He has funny reactions when the contestants pop off with lewd answers, like the other night on Fast Money when somebody answered “Name a male body part that gets bigger as you get older” with “Penis!”

Harvey literally stood there and let the rest of the time run out while he stared at the guy in amazement. They had to put time back on the clock to let the guy get through the rest of the answers.

Harvey is funny but I miss louie Anderson. I was always wondering if he would die from a heart attack during the fast money round or just run out of breath and pass out.

After Combs, it took a break. Then, it was back with Louie Anderson, Richard Karn, John O’Hurley, and now Steve Harvey.

Louie Anderson was easily the best. I miss him.


Okay, show of hands: Who here is mad that Czarcasm got to it first? Come on, I know you all are. This is the Dope and we love our jokes at the expense of sad, little men who kill themselves for pathetic reasons.

Hmm, the Super Bowl’s today. I wonder if anybody is going to die on the field. In the mean time, I’m off to the Pit to laugh at people who think that taking a guy with crippling PTSD to a gun range is a good idea. Ta-ta!

Agreed. I think you’d have to be really, really thin-skinned to consider him smutty.

I don’t know if I’d want him performing in front of an elementary school audience, but by the standards of most comedians he’s hardly that bad.

Steve Harvey is the opposite of smutty. In fact, he’s quite preachy. And he is in no way kissy.

Yes, Cash Cab! The dumb man’s Jeopardy. We love it in my house.

I hate Steve Harvey with all that I am.

Could it have anything to do with his book telling women that men are stupid and we should just capitulate when they’re asses.

The first time I ever heard of Steve Harvey was sometime in the early 90s when he had a very tame prime time network show. Never thought of him as particularly risqué. I remember watching the Ray Combs version some twenty years ago, and it always had some double-entrende and juvenile humor going on.

I think part of it is that the contestants are more willing to shout out risque answers than they used to be.

It does for me but I separate the Steves. I like Steve Harvey the comedian/game show host. I dislike Steve Harvey the self-help author/talk-show host. What makes it worse is that he wasn’t even the best Original King of Comedy. Bernie Mac all day. I miss that guy.