At what age did you stop going to parties or clubs and choose to stay at home or go to restaurants instead, on weekend nights? Why?
I haven’t stopped yet, but I know some people who are in their early to mid 20s say they are outgrowing it. I find this completely unusual. I’ve always thought nightlife wasn’t something you gave up, until you had kids…which I guess in the late 20s or early 30s.
I never really started, frankly. Never got invited to many parties and the “random house full of people” was never my thing anyway. Clubs? Not the kind of music I usually like and I can’t dance. I tend to go to neighborhood taverns/pubs/that kinda place to drink beer with friends and hang out.
My sister still does however and she’s 26 with 2 kids and doesn’t appear to be slowing down. I imagine there are many reasons why people stop doing that stuff.
Depends on what you mean. Random clubbing? Mid twenties. Going out drinking in bars with friends, possibly leading to other bars? Thirty. Going out drinking with coworkers and/or casino trips? Never.
Mostly it’s the frequency and percentage of strangers involved that decreases.
I’m in my late 30’s married but don’t have kids. I pretty much “grew out of it” when I was 31 or so. Mrs. H still goes out with her buds from time to time and she’s 37.
Hate it. Always have. Crowds make me claustrophobic, especially noisy, smokey, alcohol-addled, drug-dazed crowds. But really any crowds. I don’t even like it when the train is busy.
So I never started, and personally think it weird anybody could like it when it just seems to have such a high destructive quotient.
I quit at about 25 when I realized that all i was doing was spending money getting drunk and being an ass. I have friends who have a great time in bars playing pool and darts, meeting people (not just picking up chicks, but making friends). I was never like that. So I quit going. I miss the live music, which was the real draw for me, but, now I have a family and no desire to go out except for maybe once a year or so. Till 11:00. :eek:
That stuff will wear you out quick enough. When the hangovers start lasting for two or more days, you know it’s time to start reconsidering your entertainment options. Once parenthood comes on at least you have options within the neighborhood. After all, the other parents are in the same boat. Neighborhood block party, anyone?
I’m with Sublight. However, I have to admit that since I live hours away from all my friends and family, I only have the opportunity to really party once every couple months.
I never started. I don’t like parties. I don’t even celebrate Christmas, for that matter. Nor my brithday. Nor any holiday. Hmm. And I thought I was a fairly sociable person.
mmm. Around 25 or so, when my firstborn made his appearance. Which is not to say I don’t go wild on the weekends the kids are gone. But it’s always at home, and usually a party of two.
I knew that was my last straw - and now, I enjoy sitting around with a beer or two and good friends. Turns out to be much more enjoyable(and relaxing!).
I was domesticated from my mid-30s through my early-40s and that cut it down a lot. Then I was released from domestic service and started going out some again, but not at the almost every night pace of the past. And I don’t stay out as late. But I do go out still. I’m 50.