When did Zombie Nation/Kernkraft 400 become a sports anthem?

This has been bugging me for over a year - there was a riff that would played at kick-offs in football, and at other sporting events. I’d hum it and folks would go “oh yeah, I know that bit” but have no idea either.

Finally, a friend Googled "football techno song heavy bass “whoa” " Now why didn’t I think of that? :wink:

but got this: Kernkraft 400 (Sports Chant Stadium Remix) the main riff doesn’t even kick in until around 2:50…

So - what’s the story? It hit my radar a few years ago, but was it big in techno land before it crossed over into Sports Chant territory? Or did some team use it and it got popular enough to enter into the Sports Chant Canon™.

For that matter - is the song called Kernkraft 400 by Zombie Nation? The other way 'round?

What’s the Straight Dope?

Zombie Nation = Band
Kernkraft 400 = Song

Huh. I never knew the song was used in sports. Yeah, it was a big techno hit.

About when it started being used that way (from the wiki page on the band):

Awesome - thanks.

Any insights on why they named the song “Kernkraft 400” - is that a techno thing?

Yes. the original video sets the mood (contains dancing bikini babes)

ETA: “Kernkraft” is German for nuclear power.

Thank you again - makes sense. And boy is that video awful…