When does one become an "established" poster?

I don’t really know if this is an answerable question; I was just thinking about it because of a recent thread written by a new poster. I guess I could say maybe it’s like obscenity - you can’t really define it but you know it when you see it.

You have to go through a formal ceremony. It’s only held once a year in Geneva. And you need to be sponsored by an existing member.

5000+ posts, and at least one warning.

When Guinistasia replies to your post with “me too!”

Sorry Guin…

This seems about right…I’ve been here a few years, I’m creeping up on 5k posts, I feel like I probably have some name recognition but not necessarily distinction. And I almost feel established.

I’m sure there are posters who have have been here shorter time but contributed more substantially that would be considered more “established.”

When you’re on at least 20 Ignore Lists (that you can verify!)

Isn’t that what the Bilderbergs do . . .

No, their ceremony is in Zurich.

When one’s posts are no longer all about the single obsession that initially brought one here to talk about.

Be damned if I know. But when you get there they ask you to watch the goat between events.

Well, crap…

And Nobel prize winners serve the drinks at the reception afterwards, as I recall.

I knew I had arrived once other posters started referring to me by the correct pronoun.

I’m there! Wheeeeee!

Crap. They’re still not getting me right.

I don’t think I have any warnings. Mod notes, yes, but I don’t think I’ve had any formal warnings.

You have to Pit someone and have it blow up in your face, and/or complain about the mods.


A more serious answer, I think it’s when you start posting shit, and people just ignore it - “Oh, that’s just Cat Whisperer, posting his* usual shit.”

*I’m a her, but people are still getting it wrong.

Edit: Oh yeah, you should have been Pitted at least once, too.

The posters known to be established are not the established posters.

I think the only way to be really sure is to leave for two years and see if anyone starts a “What happened to SoandSO?” thread.

There’s still time.