When "Sorry" Doesn't Do It

My standard apology:

“I did not have sexual relations with that woman.”

I think that the “fix it” part is what people usually forget.

No, you can’t “fix” every mistake. But there are always things you can do to improve the situation on some way. Run someone over when you’re drunk? Saying “sorry” and going to jail for a month really doesn’t do anything for anyone. But spending the next five years donating money to the cause, donating your time to the cause, and doing things that insure both you and others don’t make the same mistake can go a long way.

Funny you should mention that. When AIDS was just beginning to be noticed, one of the confident announcements made (before they even had found the cause) was that you could not possibly get it from blood transfusions. I remember hearing that and thinking, “what on earth are they on about if they don’t yet know the cause? They probably just want to ‘instill confidence in the blood supply’ so people will keep donating.”

It turned out, of course, that not only could you get it from transfusions, but that hemophiliacs were much more likely to get it due to being treated by a concentration of blood products from many sources (thus raising the odds a unit of infected blood would be included.

I never saw any public apology or any kind of remorse following when there was a wave of AIDS deaths among hemophiliac patients.

Yes, the blood supply is very safe NOW, but I’m talking about the very early days as the AIDS panic developed.

Nothing says “I’m sorry” like 10 million dollars -

(David Milgaard’s case of wrongful conviction - acquitted after he spent 23 year in jail for a crime he didn’t commit.)

Then what did you have sexual relations with?

I had a coworker who’s husband said to her, during a bad accident, “I slept with your sister and she was a lot better than you”. Kind of impossible to take back or rise above. At least for her but she had a lot of issues with her sister even before that. She did say that what killed the relationship wasn’t as much the “I slept with your sister” as it was the “she was a lot better than you”.

Now you just sign your John Henry on the statement that say ‘you understand that you can get HIV from the blood you are about to get’.

When my father peed out like 2/3 of his blood from stomach ulceration he got from taking aspirin and drinking, he was green yet he refused to sign on the dotted line saying he did want to get AIDS. I told him, “Dad, you have to live first before you can get AIDS.” It confused him first but then he relented.

This is a really strange pitting.

The OP seems to be wishing for something to be angry about, but actually can’t think of anything specific.

I’m sorry if your feelings were hurt when you read my awesome post. :wink:

Do you mean something like a bad car accident and he wanted those to be his last words?

If I told my wife her sister was a lot better then her in bed it would certainly be my last words.

Isn’t that a nonpology, instead of an apology? Useful word, nonpology.

Oooh, I like that!

Hear, hear.

Irishchild is 2 1/2. So, she spends a lot of time on the naughty step, thinking about what she did.

Sometimes it doesn’t work.

“Why are you here?”
" Because I threw Cheerios all over the floor and won’t clean it up"
“Are you sorry?”
" Will you do it again?"
“Yes! It was fun and you made funny noises when I ran away! Cuddles mummy!”

Sometimes I think the nonpology folks’ parents, at that point, gave up and continued to clear up the Cheerios.

Which is not in the good parent handbook.


There was a point, right around that age, where I had to amend my parenting strategy from the ideal natural consequences one.

See, my daughter really likes to clean. Always has. So when the spaghetti sauce ended up all over the wall, she saw the clean up as a reward, not a deterrent!

Eventually, I figured out I had to make her stand three feet away and watch *me *clean it up without helping, which was agony for her.

Boy, I guess handing out punishment can get complicated… how do we punish a natural masochist/philanthropist? Restrict them from getting off through hurting themselves and make restitution/give?

When a law was proposed in 2004 to issue concealed carry licenses in Ohio, the anti-gunners lobbied very hard against it, warning the press there would be “blood on the streets” if such a law was enacted.

The law passed, and a quarter of a million licenses have been issued over the past seven years.

The predictions by the anti-gunners have been proven wrong; there is no “blood on the streets.” And there are many instances where a CC license-holder has defended him/herself with a concealed weapon.

Strangely, the anti-gunners have never apologized for their dire predictions.


When I called the man who gave me herpes to say “you need to go get tested for this, because you’re the only one who could have given it to me,” his answer was a very mechanical “I’m so sorry you have to go through this.”

While I don’t have hard evidence, I’m fairly sure he already knew he had herpes and had infected me, not exactly on purpose, but out of a level of denial combined with some sort of displaced vengeance against the person who’d given it to him.

So, saying “I’m so sorry you have to go through this,” didn’t really cut it.