When & Where does everyone chat?


My Name is Shirley U.

I am a moron.

:::everyone in the room:::: Hi Shirley, We’re Moron’s too.

Every time I go into the Teeming Millions chat room that Opal set up, I never see anyone there but the bots. Am I missing something? Do I need a secret handshake? A funny hat?

Are you using Opal’s java chat to access it?

No offense to Opal, but I have had trouble using that as my access to the chat room. Could be that I am using IE? I don’t know.

I use mIRC. Some use the real IRC software and others use PIRCH and the java chat.

If I remember correctly, Opal has a small tutorial on how to get the various chat software to work.

The best times are evenings, usually late (I can usually find people in there at around 9:00 mountain time).

Hope this helps you.

Once, and only once, (on the weekend of the great Hack here at the SDMB,) I was acutually able to chat there. All of the other times I have tried, I have run into the same problem as you have. I saw my name get added into the mix, I was warmly welcomed by the bots, but I couldn’t see the chat action, or even see what I was typing.

I am afraid to go back, because I know all of those who were there think I am a total idiot. (I am using IE5)

I did download and install Opal’s Java Applet, and I do each time I go there.

I will not be used!! Oh, wait, I’m an appliance. Never mind…

(sig from the endlessly creative mind of WallyM7)

I’m not the only one. I don’t feel so bad.
When I have gone into the chatroom, I have seen occaisional people that I don’t recognize from here. So I blow that pop stand.

That what does not kill me, postpones the inevitable.

I had problems with Opal’s applet at first, also.

I downloaded mIRC, and it works fine, but I really haven’t been in much lately.

You say “cheesy” like that’s a BAD thing.

I also use the mIRC to access the chat room, I love to go in and give the bots hell if no one else is there to talk to. The later you go in at night the more people are there. Then again some people wait for ‘friends’ before they go in to chat.

** Sigh. So many men, so few who can afford me ** Original by Wally

I’ve learned that if someone says something unkind about me, I must live so that no one will believe it.

The only time I have had trouble was trying to access the room from work where there is a firewall. I can see people in the room, but can’t msg or see any msgs. Otherwise, java and mIRC work fine. Sometimes (a lot lately) there are netsplits and you may find yourself with just a bot or one other person in the room. This can usually be remedied by switching servers. My most successful servers have been Arlington, Baltimore, Ann Arbor, Las Vegas and Dallas. Not sure how this differs by physical location though.

Just make yourself comfy while I shoot nuclear particles into your heart.
(Courtesy of Wally)

I used to chat in only the Lesbian chat rooms, those were the only ones that had people in them who actually said anything. But you needed to be real real real careful not to insult them.

My advice is to use mIRC, IRCle, or one of the other actual IRC clients. It’s only a few hundred kb worth of download and makes a huge difference. Also, as Demo said, there are occassionaly netsplits which means you’re on a network which isn’t linked (temporarily) from the rest of the IRC networks. There’s almost always something going on from 7pm CST to about 3:00am CST so if you go in then and still see no one, something is wrong on your end.
http://www.mirc.com <-- PC users http://www.ircle.com <-- Mac users

Any other questions, feel free to email me and ask for help (well, I own a PC so I don’t know anything about IRCle)

“I guess one person can make a difference, although most of the time they probably shouldn’t.”

I’m only posting here to test a theory about the thread dates. If all is well, this will go DOWN on the list now.

Sorry for abusing you’re thread, Shirley. I’m a moron :smiley: