I’m also a regular on the unofficial official unofficial Brunching bulletin board. Unlike TheNerd, I’ll even let you know what my name is over there. It’s Hallam. Hello any Dopers who are secret Brunchers, and any Brunchers who are secret Dopers.
jarbabyj, the old server is bust, but we have a new one!
I’m a Bruncher too – Bolingbroke over at the Brunching board. (The new one, now that I’ve gotten used to it, is pretty spiffy.) Hi, Tansu/Hallam and TheNerd/whatever you call yourself over there!
I posted one time over at the unofficial official unofficial brunching board from several months ago. I always meant to go back and post more, but never did. Since SDMB is the only board I read and post to at the present time, I had kind of a “Woo-woo” moment when he just out and referred to Cecil Adams. Call me a geek…
but I thought it was totally grody.
I still wonder if Lore is a member over here, but if he wishes to retain his secret identity, then far be it from me to want to see him outed.