When's the last time "In a world..." was used seriously in a movie trailer?

As in, it wasn’t being used ironically or as a reference to movie trailers using “In a world”

Perhaps the trailer for In a World…

It’s mostly ironic, but it does refer to the name of the movie.

I miss Don Lafontaine.

And you can hear it as many times as you’ll ever want. :slight_smile:

Narration for trailers has rapidly gone out of fashion, to the point where it’s now surprising to me when I hear it. I hear it more often in kids movies, especially animation, but even then when they need to do it it usually just comes up as text on screen.

I think if they use “In A World…” at all it’s now self-aware and meant as ironic.

Do we have an actual answer?

We must mean that it was used in a non-funny way. I think Tim Burton’s Planet of the Apes had it in the trailer in 2001. “In a world where freedom was history…” or some crap.

Did we have a Thread for that movie? I frigging loved that movie.
Rewatched it a few times on Netflix. Netflix no longer had it for streaming, bummer.

Well, the last trailer Don Lafontaine narrated was apparently for Call + Response from 2008. Yes, it begins with “in a world”. It’s a bit odd to me since the movie is a documentary, meaning “a world” in this case is the actual world.

Now, only one man can stop them.

All trailers now have the air horn orchestra noise and drums that go “dun dun da-dum.”


Not quite the same, but the trailer for Zootopia begins with “In the world…”

It stopped being used earnestly when the guy who made it famous (Don Lafontaine) died, which was in 2008. So, 2008.

Is it true that he used to honor requests to provide people’s answering machine message?

Puerto Ricans in Paris (2016)

From the FAQ on the late Mr. LaFontaine’s website:

Jon Bailey does the voice over for “Honest Trailers” on YouTube. He ends each video by voicing things that people ask him to say via email. And he says it exactly the way they wrote it, including typos.

also lampooned in a trailer for Jerry Seinfeld’s film Comedian.