Where all the single wimmen at?

Single woman here, surfing the net at this very moment.

I was about to post that the last time I was in College Park, MD it looked like there were plenty of single women there. You took that play off the board.

Hey. 'sup?

I’m here at home. Watching “The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes” with my dog.

If you have the pillow fights, keeping ‘up’ probably won’t be a problem for him.

Any of you guys want to come down this way, we’ll see about making some introductions …

This single woman is bemoaning the lack of available men who aren’t, frankly, icky.

Yeah. You know that advice people gave you – “Stop trying so hard and just do stuff you like to do and you’re bound to meet someone?” Well, they were full of shit.

I’ve been forced to accept that the intersection of what I like to do and what single women in my age group like to do is pretty much the null set. But I do a lot of stuff outdoors, so I’m guessing the wimmen must be at home watching Sex in the City and chatting over IRC.

The single women work 12 hours and go home to their beloved pets—that’s where they are–at work then straight home.
I work with 3 of them, one in her 30’s, one in her 40’s and one in her 60’s. They don’t go to bars and they don’t go to nightschool. They are nurses, they go to church on Sundays and vacation on cruise ships with family.
Very hard to meet.
If I become single, I promise to get out there where I can be found. Barnes and Nobles. Borders. The public library. Maybe even an Appleby’s—look for me at the bar—I’ll be the terrified-looking one holding a Midori margarita.

Cyn nailed a lot of my life, except I’m not a church-going nurse. But I do work a lot, having both a job and a business. And I go home to a couple of pets and a couple of kids. So no, I’m not out at the bars very often, and if I’m in the vegetable aisle I’m likely to be thinking about, you know, vegetables, not men.

As far as the do what you like thing, well, I’m outside a fair amount. And while I’ve gotten an awful lot of double-takes, I have yet to run across the man ballsy enough to ask a woman out who’s hunting. Too bad too, because that’s something I’d love to do with a boyfriend, but I have to stick with my regular hunting partners and listen to their married friends wish their wives were more like me. That doesn’t get me anywhere.

So maybe I’ll run into one of you on my upcoming cruise with my family. If I see a man in a coonskin cap, I’ll know it’s you astro. I like funky headgear.

Right here. I’m sitting right here.

Where the hell are all the single, attractive, intelligent college guys who are interested in a girl for more than a drunken hook-up?

This single woman’s life is a lot like Cyn said, except for the cruises. I work, I go home to my animals, I go to church, I post on the internet. I’d like to meet a nice guy, but I don’t drink, don’t go to bars. Where’s the nice Catholic guy that loves dogs and rides horses?


I’m baking Christmas cookies tonight. Mmmm, freshly baked cookies… and I share.

waves hello

I’m in a dorm in Santa Fe, by the way.

Spelling bees?

Oh, oh! Right over he–

Oh. Never mind then. :wink:

Trying… Trying hard… not to take… that in a… very naughty… way…
I’d eat your cookie all night long, baby–DAMNIT!

StGermain, have you ever tried any of those Catholic dating websites? I have a very serious Catholic friend who met his fiancee on http://www.avemariasingles.com

I am a pretty big believer in online dating. Yes, I know we’ve all heard about (or even experienced) weirdos on dating sites, but I think if you are careful you can meet some great people that way that you would never have the opportunity to approach in real life.
Myself, I have had some decent luck meeting people on online dating sites like OkCupid.com No big love connections yet, but I’ve definitely made some good friends who actually do seem to have a lot in common with me (just no “chemistry”, which is mostly my fault since I admit to being pathologically picky about men).

lavenderviolet - I’ll look at that site. Thanks so much! I’m nervous about the idea of signing up for an internet dating service. I don’t know why. A number of my friends are fellow Buffy fans and met their significant others at the Bronze, our posting board. Maybe it’s a throwback to my mother saying “You can’t call boys”.



The only difference is am I single and alone while doing things I enjoy or am I alone and doing things I hate.

BTW, Cyn, there are no single men at Barnes & Noble or Borders. None. Zilch. But at least, there are books there…lots and lots of books (which I can then take home and read. Alone).

Somehow I constantly live in a wierd void of surreality.

I know where all the cool single people are. I meet them all the time. When I go to a bar a meet at least couple a night. I get invited to a dinner, and they are all over the place. At the store I end up talking about cheese with random people who don’t give outward appearance of being involved. DMV, check; lunch line at the cafeteria, check; lepers corner(smoker’s zone) check; people huddling under an awning waiting out the rain, check. Not to mention the parties created(even if not explicity)to let people meet. This world is full of single people who seem pretty damn cool.

Maybe I have a very low level of cool threshhold, but I don’t think so, since I am extremely opinionated and judgemental.

Note: cool doesn’t mean millionaire underwear models throwing themselves at you. Ain’t gonna happen.