Where are your favorite TV characters now?

I was enjoying a guilty pleasure, reading some Buffy the Vampire Slayer fanfic and my mind drifted off to wonder what some other famous TV characters did after their series ended. I imagine Sam Malone is still running Cheers and Carla, Norm and Cliff are still there, and we know what happened to Frasier, but what became of Woody Boyd after he was elected to whatever it was he was elected to? Did Hawkeye Pierce wind up as a GP in Crabapple Cove, Maine for the rest of his life? Did Hoss or Little Joe ever wind up with a girl who didn’t die by the third act? What happened to Thomas Magnum after he rejoined the Navy? How many of the Huxtable children are still living at home? Was Alex P. Keaton involved in Enron?

Take a stab at it, and remember, the Straight Dope doesn’t sign any waivers! :wink:

the Alex P Keaton issue was speculated upon when Michael J Fox left Spin City - He wrote to Heather’s character and said he was lobbying and encountered a congressman from (whereever the heck the Keatons lived) who was a real stick in the mud conservative

I always figured Mike Flaherty (Michael J. Fox’s character on Spin City) was really Alex P. Keaton–in a wink-wink, nudge-nudge kind of way.

But to answer your question…

I figure Willow eventually realized she was far, far too good for Kennedy, dumped her, and took up with…well…hell, most anybody else will do. Let’s say the redheaded slayerette who was doing post office commercials this past Xmas.

Spock probably died on Romulus, unfortunately. Worf became XO of the Enterprise. Kira came out of the closet and took up with Dax mark II.

Cliff and Claire Huxtable are retired by now and bought a house outside of the city when they realized they’d never be able to get all the kids out forever.

After serving his time, Jerry Seinfeld moved to Metropolis for obvious reasons.

Robert Hartley retired from his psychology practice and moved to Vermont where he and Emily bought a small bed and breakfast inn…

They were residents of Columbus, Ohio.

Weezy spends her time taking cruises with her new boyfriend. George’s death from a heart attack, while tragic, left her money to play with.

I think Thomas is still working as a private investigator. He just doesn’t run as fast as he used to.

Andy Richter got a meaningless promotion with a smaller then average raise.

Blaire is twice divorced with no kids but a fabulous apartment and a very expensive dog.

Pugsly’s an old hand at the morgue and is known as Uncle Pugsly. Wednesday turned into a stone cold fox and married a wealthy Transylvanian. She breeds spiders for her own entertainment. Gomez spends his days digging graves for practice.

Brainy was kicked out of the village one too many times. He’s now Forgetful Smurf

Mulder and Scully are hunkered down somewhere, taking care of William, being adorably snarky and geeky, and preparing for the big onslaught.

Rev Jim is still driving a cab in NYC and helping others when he can. :slight_smile:
Tony is a failed talk show host. :stuck_out_tongue:
Bobby is lost in oblivion. :confused:
Louie now runs the Sunshine Cab company but is still a miserble and mean SOB. :mad:
Alex is retired in St Pete. ;j
Elaine runs a small Gallery that barely get by but she loves it. :cool:
Latka has died young from Cancer. :frowning:
Mario is CEO of the Jim’s Mario’s Franchise that has spread from NYC up to Boston and down to St. Pete. :wink:


Barney Miller: all the characters are retired except **Dietrich ** who heads the NYPD anti-terrorist department.
**Harris ** has 8 books published and one poorly received movie to his credit.
**Barney ** is still living in his rent controlled apartment in NYC and enjoying retirement.
Wojo is living one of his fantasies as a senior Security person at Yankee Stadium.
**Fish ** has passed away. *He was suppose to be 65 in 1977. *
**Levitt [/B nobody knows where he is or cares.


Jonathan Hart has survived prostate surgery, and at a healthy and vibrant 75 years of age still still goes to the office every day, drives expensive sports cars and charms the ladies…though both his love for Jennifer and the after-effects of his surgery prevent things from going any further. Jennifer Hart is now the (mostly figurehead) editor of a prominent lifestyle magazine similar to Vanity Fair; and when not at work can usually be found wearing expensive gowns and jewelry while attending parties and fund-raising events with her husband in order to benefit their various favorite charities. Max lived to the age of 92, and, while he had developed mouth cancer from the cigars he constantly smoked, he actually died of a heart condition brought on by years of rich food, alcohol and a sedentary lifestyle. He never found romance but nonetheless died a happy, contented man who’d lived a life rich in creature comforts and personal freedom.

Remington Steele finally grew tired of Laura Holt’s romantic reticence and moved back to Europe, whereupon he took control of the shipping business he inherited from his former boss: a Greek shipping magnate for whom Steele worked prior to coming to America. (Steele had worked hard and sacrified greatly in order to help this man get back on his feet in the early days when the magnate-to-be’s only ship had sunk.) Steele is now worth billions and spends most of his time tending to business and indulging his beautiful trophy wife’s social ambitions. He has occasional affairs, usually when traveling on business, with young women who invariably fall in love with him. Unfortunately, they are too young and naive to recognize the fact that Steele actually loves his wife and their life together; and that their time together must come to an end…usually sooner than later.

Laura Holt – after becoming reasonably successful in her detective business – is surprised to find that running a successful detective business isn’t really all that fulfilling, and, suffering the ennui that comes with the lack of a challenge, she sells the business. She eventually drifts into a relationship with a captain of Los Angeles industry and ultimately succumbs to his entreaties that they marry, even though she’s not truly in love with him. She likes him well enough though, and, since she hasn’t met anyone she really loves since Steele left, she is reasonably content…though still plagued by the same ennui that she came to feel with her detective business. She is reasonably happy and comfortable but still unfulfilled.

Mildred grew old and died a cranky, obstreporous old woman living alone in a three-room apartment downtown. She was 77 years old and died of complications brought on by diabetes.

Murphy and Bernice married other people – he once and she twice – before meeting again 12 years after they left the detective agency. They fell in love, married, and are truly quite happy together (much to their mutual surprise). Murphy has a daughter approaching adolescence and Bernice has two boys, aged 7 and 9 years old. Murphy and Bernice are not only genuinely in love, but each regards the other as their best friend. They will probably be happily and affectionately married for the rest of their lives.

Judge Harold T. Stone retired as a judge and started to tour as an opening act for Penn & Teller. After about a year, he decided that life on the road wasn’t for him and returned to the courts.

Christine Sullivan went into politics and is now a U.S. Congresswoman. The Sullivan Bill to provide official prostitutes at all army bases died in committee.

Dan Fielding had a religious experience when seeing the face of the Virgin Mary in a plate of mashed potatoes. He has taken a vow of poverty and chastity and lives in a monestary in Vermont.

Bull Shannon owns his own personal protection service. “Shannon Person Protection - You need the best, you need the Bull.”

Mac and Kwon-Lee Robinson are currently acting as managers for their kid’s modeling career and siphoning off the money into a swiss bank account.

Did they ever made any references or in-jokes about Michael J. Fox’s other roles?

After moving to Metropolis, Jerry went through a bunch of meaningless affairs and did standup. He was killed by a stalker in 2000. The woman got a suspended sentence when it was proved Jerry had a meaningless affair with her. When she was released, she took a job as a bitter old receptionist.

Kramer found a “young stud” in prison. After they were released, they opened a very successful New York decorating shop. They are still together, have two adopted children, and are very very happy. Kramer’s mother Babes works in the shop as the bitter old receptionist.

Elaine wrote a fictionalized account of her life in prison, which was published by her old company and became a best seller. She wrote several sequences, which became hit movies and later a hit TV series. Elaine was a cast member of the TV series, playing the bitter old receptionist.

George still hangs around the restaurant and goes from job-to-job and relationship-to-relationship. Some people never changed. His father died while he was in prison, and his mother works as a bitter old receptionist.

see post # 2

There was a “Spin City” opening where Michael was in the waiting room of a shrink’s office, complaining about how he has to go to this shrink and he’ not comfortable talking with people and who do they think he is “My father?” And out walks Michael Gross (Stephen Keaton) as the shrink.

Gilligan wrote a book and sold his story to a TV executive who turned it into a reality show that aired in 2005
The Skipper opened a marine supply store, well inland from the marina
The Howells got divorced, and split the assets right down the middle. Thurston lost everything in the Enron scandal. Lovey lives a comfortable life in Hawaii
Ginger sold her dresses on eBay, then became a high powered producer. She stays behind the camera and is looking for a “nice guy, who’s not too handsome” to be her boy toy
The Professor went on Jeopardy and lost to Ken Jennings
Marianne reunited with her high school sweetheart, married, had 4 kids, divorced, moved to New England and took a female lover

Angel is dead. But everyone already knew that.

Jim Profit managed to fully corrupt his assistant Gail and blackmailed a few people in order to secure her a gig as a vice-president of Finance at Enron in 2000. When it looked like she would squeal about all the things she had done for him, Profit encouraged all the executives to sell their stock, which plunged the company into financial crisis and ruin. When everything came to light, the Feds and the SEC discovered evidence that Gail had done some insider trading, both for herself and her boss. She killed herself rather than face charges and go to jail. Profit left Gracen & Gracen in 1998 when a child sex tourism scandal led to the arrest and convictions of several executives and board members, including CEO Charles Gracen and Jeffrey Sykes. Profit currently works as head of Acquisitions and International Development for Chevron.

Zach- Became a detective in NY before moving on to Washington DC to work for the first female President.

Slater- Became a beach front bicycle cop.

Lisa Turtle- Started hanging around with the society crowd but soon left for religous reasons.

Kelly- Move to Beverly Hills and hung around with some really old looking college students.

Jesse- Poor, Jesse. She’s living life on the pole.

Screech- I pity Screech… because we ALL pity Screech!

Dave Starsky is teaching at the LA Police Academy after having retired from active duty due to injuries sustained on the job. He married his physical therapist, had three children and then she tragically died of cancer, leaving him a widower.

Ken Hutchinson was in the same accident that injured Starsky, had psych issues and was manipulated into abruptly leaving LA (without even saying goodbye to Starsk, sniff) and marrying his evil therapist. After obtaining his PhD in American Lit and a bitter divorce, he spent some bad years in Las Vegas, and has recently sobered up and returned to LA to teach at the local community college.

Huggy Bear, now managaing a successful legit nightclub, got him back and touch with Starsky and they’re making a stab at being friends again. Can Starsky ever forgive Hutch for abandoning him? Will Hutch be able to move past his tragic past and accept Starsky’s love? What do the kids think? And what about the letter Hutch just recieved this morning, telling him of the recently orphaned child he unknowingly fathered with a Vegas hooker? :eek:

Um, yes, I’ve over-though this. Don’t even get me started on Bonanza…

David and Maddie Hayes-Addison have a tempestuous, but relatively happy, marriage living in Monte Carlo, after ripping up the cue card which incorrectly stated they never solved their last case and drifted apart.

I can’t hear you!

sticks fingers in ears
