Where can drunken idiots like myself clobber each other with faux-bayonets and stuff?

My Bachelor party is coming up, and among the festivities, my best friend/man is taking me to go paintballing with him and his friends. A fun activity, no doubt, full of rules for the safety and welfare of the participants.

But whenever we go paintballing, I always think about how fun (and incredibly stupid and dangerous :smiley: ) it would be if it was taken a step further, with rubber knives attached to the painball guns (like bayonets) and rubbed with paint, so that you could engage in cival war-esque battles where you charge in, firing wild, inaccurate volleys then try and ‘stab’ your opponent, a paint smudge indicating a ‘kill’.

This probably brings me back to when I was a kid, and played laser tag with my friends and dad. The laser rifles had a rubber ‘muzzle’, and while it was explicitly against the rules to have any physical contact that didn’t stop the 6’6" tall colossus of a man that my dad was from charging at me, swatting my rifle aside and knocking me over, then zapping me repeeatedly while I was pinned to the floor. Yeah, he was a dick. But it was fun.

I probably play too much Warhammer 40k, but the idea of playing a paintball/laser tag type game where you can engage in simulated melee combat thats at least a bit rough and tumble (none of this throwing sticks at a guy in an orc costume while squeaking ‘lightning bolt! lightning bolt!’). I’m not into LARP, just trying to take paintball a step further(dumber) :wink:

I would think that you can pretty much do that anywhere, it just involves buying your own damn paintball guns and taping magic markers to the barrels. Doing it yourself also allows you to be considerably more drunk.

You could do a little shopping here before your party. Might be a little expensive, depending on the number of guests, and their willingness to BYOFoam Sword.

That’s great and all, but aren’ t most paintball guns semi-auto or full auto these days? It seems to me that a paintball bayonette is about as pointless as a real life bayonette.

I agree. The OP should buy a bunch of smooth bore black powder muskets, and just use really small powder loads for shooting the paintballs. Then the magic marker bayonets will be useful. :smiley:

If you were really committed to the concept, you could modify any marker for this purpose. Start with a pump action marker, or modify a semi-auto so that it doesn’t re-cock itself. Then just block the feed neck, and the marker is now a muzzle loader.

Loading and firing your muzzleloader paint gun will only take three steps (jam paintaball down the muzzle, cock, fire) so it will be faster than an actual flintlock musket (pour powder in the breech, jam in musketball, pour powder in the pan, cock, fire).

Not directly Warhammer/gun related, but you might find this amusing:

People killing people with foam weapons. I used to do it for a while in college, and it was wicked fun. Especially in large groups of people.

Paintballs tend not to lend themselves to being shoved down the barrel of a gun with a rod.

Just remove the hopper of balls and make everyone load one at a time. Should work with pump-action or semi-auto. No need to jam down the barrel.

If you really want to simulate the golden age of bayonets, would you need to modify the paintball guns so they’re not just single-shot, but also less accurate?
The main reason bayonets stopped being useful between 1820 or so and 1860 or so wasn’t because muskets got faster to load; it’s because they got much more accurate at medium to long distances (due to being rifled instead of smoothbore). But I don’t know how paintball guns accuracy/range compares.

Paintball guns have horrible accuracy and range. Paintball rounds are not spin stabalized and are very light.

The bayonet idea sounds cool in theory but will lead to injuries. I have had a collision where I ran into another player with the barrel of my marker while at a dead sprint. He ended up with a good size bruise on his hip and I got jammed in the throat with the back of my gun. Took out a good sized bloody chunk. I understand you are mounting nerf toys on the front but if a hit is made with any kind of force the nerf will crumple and you will be hitting them with. You are also carrying air tanks with. Anywhere from 850 to 4500 psi that kind of energy is to be respected

There are much better ways to spice up paintball.