Where can I buy books in Portuguese...Amazon has let me down!

A friend has recommended that I read a book entitled “A Moreninha” by Joaquim Manuel de Macedo. I would like to buy a copy of the book rather than borrow hers since I tend to underline difficult words (and they usually are plentiful).

The problem – Where can I buy books by Brazilian authors on the Internet? I have checked all of the usual suspects and came up empty handed.

Maybe I’m just not Googling right, but I get lots of stuff about such books and plenty of pages offering dictionaries and language courses, but not much else.

I’m thinking Brazilianbooks.com might be a good start.

Or, there appears to be an online version (PDF file) here.

Rather ironic you can’t buy Brazilian books at Amazon.

Great! This is precisely what I was looking for. I wonder why I couldn’t find this site using Google?


Schoenhof’s Foreign Books in Boston, MA is another resource you might try.

Nice user name, by the way! It’s a bit of a pain to type, though. You mind if I call you Locrian instead? :wink:

That’s the one I have been looking for all along.
I just ordered three books:

Dom Casmurro, and Memórias Postumas de Bras Cubas by Machado de Assis, and the aforementioned A Moreninha.

I don’t have to patiently await a Rio trip to buy my books anymore :slight_smile:

Thanks, folks!

And Olentzero – a while back, Musicat asked me the following in the middle of a heavy discussion about movie projection:

My mind was so far away from the origin of my username that I had absolutely no clue what he was talking about. Of course, he had found the single unique half-diminished chord that has no sharps or flats to give it away.

Personally I think “A Moreninha” sucks badly… but its your choice.

Another site is www.submarino.com.br

Also, Half.com is a good place to look for books out of print

its run by e-bay :wink:

Yea… I read it for one of my classes, I was not very impressed by it. Iracema by José de Alencar is better. Quincas Borba by Machado is even better.

One thing about A Moreninha… it is easy read. Much easier than Cidade de Deus. :wink: So you won’t be underlining as much.