Where can I buy ringtones that don't sound tacky and immature?

I just bought a new cellphone. It comes with exactly zero normal ringtones - everything is some cheesy melody, or recording of some crap pop song. Verizon has more ringtones in their online store, but they’re all just more music or juvenile sound effects - like “toilet flushing”.

At the moment, I have it set to ring using the same sound as the alarm clock, which is incredibly unpleasant.

I really don’t like music ringtones. They seem childish to me. I just want a ringtone that is loud, clear, and unobtrusive.

Does anyone know where I can find something like that? Searching for ringtones on Google produces so much domain squatting and fly-by-night, potential scam crap, it’s impossible to sift through.

I use this website

I’ve used it several times and I’ve never gotten any junk texts or unsolicited calls.

It has a FAQ section towards the bottom that explains the in’s and out’s of creating and uploading ringtones to your own phone. It covers a wide range of phones and carriers.

After using it to learn how to create my own ringtones I’ve never had the urge or need to download a ringtone.

Good Luck!

Oh, I know how to put ringtones on my phone - my problem is finding something that I want to put on there. I don’t want music, just simple beeps.

I guess I could make my own in Matlab or something, but surely someone has done this already?

I simply looked up sound effects online and converted them to the appropriate file format for my phone and uploaded them.

I currently use the ringtone from a videogame that was in wav format that I converted and uploaded myself. Worked like a charm.

Well, I finally found one:


Damn. I was just about to post an offer of my services, for a fee, about learning to live with a tacky and immature ring.

Why not just put it on vibrate so that you don’t annoy everyone around you when it rings?

In general, I do - but it’s my only phone, and I don’t carry it around in my pocket all day.

My cell phone, a Motorola that’s a few years old, came programmed with several ringtones. The default one (which is the one I use) goes bleep-bleep.

Do the new phones not have these? Or are you just looking for some specific type of bleep-bleep that you’ve been hearing in your head?

Nope - my new LG VX8600 came only with little tunes and melodies, no normal rings.

That’s what I was thinking. I know the newer phones pack a bunch of sing-song ringtones on them but I thought they all still had 3 or 4 standard ring-ring, beep-beep, or bzzt-bzzt type rings. Do they not have these anymore?

If you’re on windows, and can figure out how to load a .wav as a ringtone, just browse through the windows supplied sounds. In fact, I believe there should be one there called ringout.wav.

That’s borderline insane. I hope my next new car has a regular-sounding horn, and not a choice of “rooster crowing,” “Mario Brothers theme,” and “Fergalicious.”

I have heard that the ‘Crazy Frog’ ringtone is both mature and sophisticated. Hope this helps.

Anything but a ring is by definition tacky and immature.