Where can I find a rack?

Does anyone know if it’s possible to find a good old fashioned torturer’s rack? A lot of times, my back feels kinda tight, yet none of my friends are able to crack it, so I’m thinking maybe one of these might help. Or make my legs a little longer.

<twelve year old mode>
</twelve year old mode>

Actually, it sounds like you need to find taller friends.

I go the chiropractic route, myself.

Oh, you meant that kind of rack. And here I was about to send you my sister-in-law’s phone number!

I won’t post any of the links here, but I suggest you do a Google search on “Dungeon funiture” and rack - there’s plenty of hits there, so long as you don’t mind buying from a BDSM store :slight_smile:

I forgot to say: Racks are not toys and should not be used by people who aren’t familiar with how to operate them safely.

Also: go see your chiropracter before you do anything.

Hey, Spritle! You still got that number handy? :wink:

You need a rack because your “back feels kinda tight”…hmmm.

You might wanna also get one of those leather masks to, uh, keep the sun off your face while you are at the beach.

I could give you an ex’s phone number… She made her own rack.

/woodworker’s safety glasses ON/
If you REALLY want one, I can build one CUSTOM for ya!
It ain’t cheap, though!
/woodworker’s safety glasses OFF/

why not try www.rack.com - there should be something there?

<cheap alternative to rack>

install a chin up bar, hang by your hands from it.
enjoy the crackles up and down your spine.

</cheap alternative to rack>

Then do chin-ups and stuff from it, excercising to strenghen all the muscles in your belly and back will improve your back-health. Yeah, I know chin ups aren’t much use for lower back or belly… I know!

I don’t know - the rack sounds a lot better than the chiropractor.

The rack isn’t likely to tell you it can cure cancer, hangnails, irritable bowel and baldness by ‘adjusting’ you…