Where can I find classy but inexpensive curvy girl clothes?

I can’t seem to find any age appropriate business-casual, or weekend casual, clothes in “women’s” :rolleyes: sizes. I am a few hours from any decent shopping areas and am willing to go catalog if needed.

Everything is either hoochie, sparkly, and totally traishy, or waaay too conservative and old (pink capris and a kitten t-shirt, yay!)

I really like clasic styles like Eddie Bauer, Calvin Klein, etc. but really don’t want to pay $60+ on one casual top. I sure as shit don’t want to drop that much on crappy Lane Bryant stuff that is low quality.

Help me!

I bought a large friend of mine a couple of really beautiful tops from Jones New York. One of them is this one:


You can’t tell from the photo, but the material and stitching was really high quality. It looks a bit stiff in the photo, but it’s not the really cheap stuff. She’s pretty large (a size 18) and the XL tunic fit her.

I bought a pair of ankle pants for myself and I am really pleased with them.

They have coupons and sales galore so don’t worry about the prices.


Walmart’s George line has a lot of plus business casual tops and pants (and blazers! never tried one of those, though) for quite cheap. Depending on the size of your local store, their selection might suck. But online, they have a lot of pretty stuff. Yes yes, it’s Walmart. But I’ve found the George line to be comfortable, professional, and very decent quality considering the price.

It’s worth checking Lands End women’s sizes on-line. They have expanded a lot and still have the kind of classic pieces and good quality.

Goodwill is my go to. If you like treasure hunts you can find some amazing high end clothing in all sizes.

Curvy is a shape rather than a size. What is your usual size range?

I appreciate all the suggestions! Keep them coming.
I’m looking for sizes above the standard ladies’ department. When I say “curvy” I mean “plus-sized” but I really don’t like that term.

I’ve seen good deals here and there at Goodwill but I honestly don’t have time or patience to shop like that. I’m more of a get in get done get out person. Will definitely check out Land’s End sales- didn’t even know they sold larger sizes.

Coldwater Creek is stupidly priced at their regular prices, but has some rather amazing Outlet prices. Returns are free shipped back, or you can return items you bought online to one of their stores, if you prefer. They’re not a dedicated “Plus Size” store, but they do carry larger sizes, and the quality is not bad at all. I’ve got several many years old, much washed and frequently worn tops and skirts of theirs which still look new.

Ah, you’re one of those women the curvy, not-plus-sized ones hate. Giving a general feel for what actual shape you are could be helpful. My mother and I are the same height and weight, but she comes with a belly which I do not have and a higher cup than mine; I have thick arms and legs which she has not. What is your specific shape?

Yep, size and shape would be very useful.

Here’s a guide to shapes that might help - IGIGI Plus Size Designer Dresses Sizes 12+ | Powered by COUTURME

Knowing your usual dress size will also help as narrow down some choices!

I guess rectangle, maybe oval-ish, except all those lovely ladies you referenced have ankles.
Nava, I am more like you described yourself, less like your mother.

My curvy, classy GF recommends Roamans (and, if you like boho, Holy Clothing).

I second Lands’ End - I’ve been having great success with their plus-size clothes lately. Cute, basic, comfy, decently priced, and a FANTASTIC customer service.

If you can buy pieces and save them for the right season you can clean up in the clearance section. I recently bought a half dozen tops from Eddie Bauer. Not one of them was over $15. I should point out that my work wardrobe is like most people’s weekend wardrobe, lots of 3/4 sleeve tees. Nothing that needs ironing. Every few years I decide I ought to dress more girly, and learn to accessorize. It never goes well.

25 years I have been trying that (showing my girly side, as my friends do so easily) and it just doesn’t take. I need to accept my no-iron shirt + 1 accessory self and move on…

Yeah, my biggest shift has been buying t-shirts that fit, in the women’s department.

My uniform is khaki pants and these shirts

long sleeve for winter
3/4 sleeve for the rest of the year

a necklace I don’t take off and gold studs I don’t take off. That’s it.

Have you looked at Ulla Popken?

You need to buy a sewing machine, get patterns and make it yourself.