Where can I find those large plastic mailing bags?

I ordered a bicycle helmet that came in a box too fragile to send unwrapped (it had an open side where you could see the helmet). It’s too small, and I need to return it.

It came in a grayish-white heavy duty plastic (maybe Tyvek?) bag about 24" by 12". It had an adhesive strip that sealed it quite well, which I had to tear to open. A quick Google search reveals that these kind of bags are available from wholesalers in huge lots (like 1000). But where can I pick up just one? The USPS store seems to have smaller mailer bags with padding but I need something larger.

It’s essentially a big heavy duty bag, no liner, and went around the box snugly.

Anyone? Bumping so someone might see this and respond.

Is there some reason why you cannot just use a cardboard box? I believe that they are easy to find.

You might try an office supply store like Staples or Office Depot, or a pack/ship store like UPS stores. I can order them from my shipping supply vendor, but they only sell bulk quantities: www.uline.com.

Staples and the USPS only stock up to size #7 (14-1/2" x 19") which is gonna be way too small. You can get a box that would fit the helmet at either place for under $5.

It’s a bike helmet, they’re made to withstand bumps. Just make sure it’s covered so it won’t get scratched.