Where can I find used toys online?

And by used, I mean out of the box, in used condition at used prices.

I’m looking for an old toy on eBay (specifically, the Playmates Deep Space 9 toy with the little Galaxy class ship) and all I’m finding are new in box, mint in box, and so on, for over a hundred bucks. I want this thing to stick on its little stand on my desk and look neat, not sit in my attic in the box appreciating in value.

Essentially, I want to play with it, not collect it. The Google-fu is weak in me. Anybody know where I might be able to find this and other stuff like it online?

In eBay, go to “Advanced Search”, tick the “Search title and description” box, and include the word “used” in the words that you are searching on. With “used Playmates Deep Space 9” as the search, I got more than 20 hits, and more than 30 more in eBay Stores, all way less than $100.

Sweet. Thanks!

The OP is 100% more hilarious if one reads it as (sex) toys.